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Simple-cdd: Looking for best practices for saving disk spcae

Hi all!
I am wondering what may be the best way to for example get rid of all the display drivers in the xserver-xorg package that I will not need on my target platform. I would also like to remove most of the fonts that are included from start.

I have used simple-cdd to build a somewhat tweaked x-basic profile. I have removed the xbase-clients and xdm package from the x-basic.packages file.

In order to get rid of all display drivers but the one I am to use, should I create a post install script that deletes the files from the resulting system, or should I choose some other package from the Debian repository than xorg? ...or is it preferred to create a custom xorg package first, based on the original xorg package, and then include that custom package in my simple-cdd build instead?

...for what would happen if I had some post install script removing the X display driver files from the fil system, and then issued the apt-get update command on the target platform?

Please tell me if this is too much of a newbie question for this forum, and I will post it to linuxquestions.org or some other place instead.


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