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Title: Re: SPLASHPNG on Lenny
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for your help. I have solved the problem. In Lenny, the image is defined as a PNG file. The menu is based in a graphical system (menuvesa.c32). So in the file stdmenu.cfg it defines a background image named splash.png. I just changed the splah.png image and it is now working. The other system (splah.rle) did not work. I'm not sure that the graphical menu will display on any kind of screen, so I did both things.
Flavio E. Goncalves

De: Daniel Dickinson [mailto:cshore@fionavar.ca]
Enviada: sáb 06/09/2008 04:24
Para: debian-custom@lists.debian.org
Assunto: Re: SPLASHPNG on Lenny

On Fri, 5 Sep 2008 07:57:29 -0300
Flávio Eduardo de Andrade <flavio@voffice.com.br> wrote:

> Hi,

> I'm trying to create a different SPLASH image in my CD. I have
> changed the default.conf to
> export
> SPLASHPNG="/root/vts-lenny/tmp/debian-cd/data/lenny/splashn.png"
> I see in the output the mesages of ppmquant running.

> Using ISOLINUX boot-disks image on CD1
> ppmquant: making histogram...
> ppmquant: 14 colors found
> ppmquant: choosing 16 colors...
> ppmquant: mapping image to new colors...
> 204800 pixels, 8724 bytes, (91.48% compression)
> But whan I start the ISO, I receive the same default image in the
> Installer Boot Menu.  After some debugging I found that the file
> debian-cd/tools/boot/lenny/boot-i386 had only two lines compared to
> more than 100 lines of etch/boot-i386.

The splash screen you want to change is the debian-installer one, which
is defined in debian-installer/i386/boot-screens I believe.  I'm not
sure where debian-cd gets that info from, but when doing a netboot
that's the directory and I think the cd uses the same final directory.
Where in debian-cd you'd look, I'm not sure.

And that's my crabbing done for the day.  Got it out of the way early,
now I have the rest of the afternoon to sniff fragrant tea-roses or
strangle cute bunnies or something.   -- Michael Devore
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The C Shore: http://www.wightman.ca/~cshore

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