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Working on the tasks pages (Was: debian and robotics (Private))

[Hi, I'm quoting some parts of Leopold's mail here (shamelessly ignoring
 nettiquette - but I hope there is nothing really private about this mail)
 because it concerns all CDDs and the content should be archived here for
 further reference.]

On Mon, 2 Jun 2008, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda wrote:

but, in that page I like the schema, but i would like to create an
introduction, and propose some sub task, or simple, create a generic page and
link to a robotics-realtime, robotics-simulations, etc, and then create this
files under tasks or create a subdir robotics and that file inside.

Put this into the long Description of the Task (very top of the document).

If you discover a project which looks like a good candidate for Debian-Med to
you, or if you have prepared an inofficial Debian package, please do not
hesitate to send a description of that project to the Debian-Med mailing list

Ahh, please don't remember me about the work I have to do.  Well, the
left column is the result of shamelessly taking over the template that was
used for Debian-Med.  I would have to fix this but I'm currently really
busy to rewrite the whole stuff to enable internationalised pages (for
instance featuring Italian package descriptions from DDTP project if they
are available).  When rewriting this I will use proper factorising for all
the CDD strings instead of hardcoding as it was done by David Paleino
who had only Debian Med in mind.  But I will think about fixing this issue
quickly in the old system because the rewrite will probably last longer
than acceptable for the other CDDs.

And some tags?

What tags do you mean?
BTW, I would like to move this private discussion to the debian-custom
mailing list (in CC).  I would like to at least keep the list in CC in
further replies or just allow me to quote you in public to keep others
informed as well.  It makes no sense for me to hide the issues of the
current tasks rendering and I want to see this in public.

that's was why I asked you to create a robotics list. Howeber, first see if
there's enough people and after do it.

I'm not a list master and thus I can not create such a list.  You have to decide
whether to ask for an Alioth project and create a mailing list for this project
or to ask listmaster for a list on lists.debian.org.

But, for example, I have seen mathematics mathematics-dev.

OK, this is fine.  If you have some robotics-dev or something like
that in mind it is OK.  We currently have a flat tasks structure per
CDD because each task turns into one meta package.  If you think about
subtasks per name sheme this is fine.  But there is no such thing like
mathematics/dev or robotics/dev which means a deeper structure in
single fields.  Please make sure that there is at least one existing
package inside Debian for each task.  The cdd-dev tool is currently
not (yet) able to handle tasks without a single existing package
inside Debian reasonably.

Kind regards and thanks for your input



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