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Re: custom vs. derivative (Re: packages.gz corrupt, missing packages and other issues)


On Monday 31 March 2008 22:12, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Yep, no problem about this.  That's why I wrote that we are tolerant
> to use the list for this. 

I think there is a difference between being tolerant about stuff which doesnt 
belong here, and accepting stuff because it belongs here. (continued below..)

> My only problem is that I never met 
> anybody who perceived the meaning we once gave CDD and I'm so bored
> to explain over and over. 

Let me give you two (contradicting) answers to that:

1. Haven't we met? :-D

2. What is the meaning you once gave to CDD, where is it documented? 

And, isnt it possible that this meaning changes over time?

Also I dont think there is agreement, where a CDD is or should be. Some say, a 
CDD must be 100% within Debian, others say, it's enough if this is the (not 
yet achieved) aim. Others even say, a CDD is any distribution based on 

I'm in the second camp. To me, a (official) CDD is a distribution, which aims 
to be 100% within Debian, whether this goal is achieved or not.

Also, I personally see this list as a list for discussions about CDD 
development and about the tools useful for this. And as that I dont tolerate 
discussions about (for example) using simple-cdd to build whatever non-CDD 
someone has in mind, but I think this _exactly_ one of the things this list 
is for. 

Maybe it would be wise to introduce a new term, for Debian based 
distributions, which are not CDDs according to our definition. That would 
prevent us from using "(official) CDDs" and unoffical ones. So I suggest DBD 
(Debian Based Distributions) for those :-) What do you think?

> I think even XYZ (without having no 
> meaning behind these letters at all) would be a better name.

I disagree. Meaningful names are useful, not useless. 

> https://penta.debconf.org/penta/submission/dc8/event/239,
> https://penta.debconf.org/penta/submission/dc8/event/242,
> https://penta.debconf.org/penta/submission/dc8/event/243,
> https://penta.debconf.org/penta/submission/dc8/event/244 and
> https://penta.debconf.org/penta/submission/dc8/event/247

Those events are currently not visible to anyone execpt penta-admins and you. 
Could you post those proposals to the list, please?


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