On 2/3/06, Matheus Morais <matheus.morais@gmail.com> wrote:
> After a frustrating experience with componentized linux (maybe because its
> earlier stage of development) so I decided to back into create my own CDD.
> First of all I'm looking to customize debian-installer and I found the
> Automatic Installation Method using preconfiguration file so, I think there
> is a good and simple way to customize my debian-installer. Any suggestions
> here?
I don't think you need to customize the installer (d-i) but you just
need a different result (installation) in the end. See below.
> Now I've already the mirror from debian sarge in my build box and here go
> some questions to people on the list,
> 1 - I want customize tasksel building my own group of packages to CDD. How
> can I do this?
> 2 - How can I build a bootable disk image of the debian system installer
> with my CDD packages (including of course the customized debian-installer,
> the customized tasksel, etc)?
If you want to install a different set of packages than the default
and you want to build a image with the packages, you should try
simple-cdd[0] first.
simple-cdd will give you some flexibility and using it you will be
able to understand better how the pieces fit together. Keep in mind
that it won't customize the installer but the installation. You'll
notice the difference when/if you need a newer kernel or something
like that.
[0] = Quoting Vagrant:
to download simple-cdd, stick in /etc/apt/sources.list:
http://debian-np.alioth.debian.org/debian unstable main
(also added a "backport" of debpartial-mirror for sarge)
and: apt-get install simple-cdd
or from svn:
svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-np/trunk/packages/simple-cdd
Ok doing it now, thanks for the fast reply ;)
Matheus Morais