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Re: Packages with configuration for other packages

El Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 12:57:23AM +0000, Jose Manuel dos Santos Calhariz va escriure:
> Hi,


> Now I am working in a solution with small scripts and patchs files,
> and using dpatch.  I know dpatch is to apply patches into upstream
> sources, but I have made it work, using "--workdir /", and a fake
> debian dir inside "/etc/package".  The scripts will be executed by the
> admin and not by postint during installation, so violating one less
> rule of the Debian Policy :)
> I hope in the next days to present a working example.  For now I would
> like to ask to the list:
>   - Have anyone used patchs to change configuration files?  Used
>   something better than dpatch to manage them?

I've used systems like changetrack to keep manual configuration file changes
on a revision control system, but not to configure systems; IMHO patches are
not well suited for customizing configurations, there are a lot of things that
can break if the configuration is edited by hand or using package scripts that
handle the debconf answers.

>   - Have anyone other ideas, pro or cons, about my approach to the
>   problem?

I did an specification of how to handle configuration files using an special
kind of diversions; the idea is to remove customizations before package
installations, upgrades or removals and apply them again after installations
or updates.
The specification is included on the cddtk docs:

but I have not worked on the tool for a while.

Anyway, I've been working on a configuration system for our CDD that uses some
of the techniques I was thinking about, once I have it finished I'll move the
interesting bits to the cddtk (the system is is already working, but I have to
build a full set of configurations for different services).
The current system is implemented using shell scripts and the basic idea is to
provide a set of templates for each set of configuration files. Each template
includes variables that are replaced when installing the configuration file.
If you want to take a look the support system is available on:


And there are work in progress customizations in:


Currently they are enabled calling some scripts by hand and the customizations
are not enabled and disabled on package updates, but things will be more
automated soon.

The aproach I'm using is to try to leave the debian package conffiles alone if
possible and generate the custom configuration files in non conflicting
places, that way the conffiles are owned by the customizing package and
usually the configuration can be done in a way that enhaces the support for
user customizations without breaking the configurations.

Of course, if a program or package can't use different configuration files I
go back to the diversions system, but the number of diverted files can usually
be kept low.
A good example is the customization of the SAMBA or LDAP servers; my current
system provides a customized init.d script for each server that executes the
service using different configuration files (the custom config for SAMBA is
generated in /etc/CDDNAME/samba and for LDAP in /etc/CDDNAME/ldap) and
different /var dirs (the server PIDs are stored on /var/run/CDDNAME and things
like the LDAP database is generated in /var/lib/CDDNAME/ldap instead of

When the user wants to enable the customized version of the service he or she
executes an 'enable' script that installs the custom /etc/init.d/ scripts,
creates the configuration files form the templates and optionally disables the
default init.d script for the service.

The scripts used to generate the customized conffiles can be written using
cfengine, replacing variables with my shell scripts or using whatever system
the developer wants; the idea is that with the current infrastructure the user
does not need to touch the customized files and if he or she does it the
customization scripts can decide how to handle modified files (in my current
system I overwrite the files because I'm giving a clean way of overriding the
customized configuration files using includes, but if a service does not allow
me to do that maybe those files will be treated differently).

In any case, I don't plan to use patches to handle customizations, maybe I'll
try to support upgrades for modified conffiles using diffs, but I'm sure that
unless the changes are minimal the best option when things don't work
automatically will probably be the same used by dpkg... that is, tell the user
about the changes and ask about keeping the current version or replacing it.



Sergio Talens-Oliag <sto@debian.org>   <http://people.debian.org/~sto/>
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