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Re: an apt wrapper for dependency resolving

On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 01:26:04PM +0300, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> Hi
> So far I've been unable to find a simple debian tool to get "a list of
> packages and their dependencies". So here's a small wrapper around
> apt-get/apt-cache/aptitude to use a separate tree. This lets me use 
> 'apt-get -d' to get all the missing packages and add them as an extra 
> directory ( /pool/debian , a sibling of /pool/main) of my source.
> And it actually works (for me).

For the record: I later noticed an extra problem: The files downloaded
by apt-get don't have exactly the same names as the originals. It seems
apt-get attaches '<epoch-num>%3a' before the version number. I could not
find a way to override this behaviour and did not want to rename
in-place (or otherwise I'll have to re-download the file), so I ended up
using a symlinks directory. The main part of my "copy" script is now:

# LINKS_DIR: a temporary simlinks directory
# CACHE_DIR: a directory to which apt-get downloads, Aptdir/var/cache/apt/archives
# POOL_DIR: the target directory I wish to update

# recreate the links dir:
rm -f ${LINKS_DIR}/*.deb
for file in ${CACHE_DIR}/*.deb
        orig=`basename "$file"`
        new=`echo $orig | sed -e 's/_[0-9]\+%3a/_/'`
        # TODO: absolute symlinks:
        ln -s "$PWD/$file" "${LINKS_DIR}/$new"

# re-create the pool:

rm -f ${POOL_DIR}/*.deb 2>/dev/null || true
# Any  way for a smarter rsync? Anyway, this still doesn't take much on my 
# system:
cp -Lp ${LINKS_DIR}/*.deb ${POOL_DIR}/

Tzafrir Cohen     icq#16849755  +972-50-7952406
tzafrir.cohen@xorcom.com  http://www.xorcom.com

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