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Simple-CDD revolution step 2


Using this phylosophy:
 - First get to do it
 - Then document it
 - Then automate it
we got the build-simple-cdd script.

I've been showing it around here in Taipei, and it seems like we're
ready for step 2: "Building CDDs with simple-cdd":

 - First get to do it
   (we did it)
 - Then document it
    - Where to write selected packages
      (done in the README)
    - How to find out the debconf template names and writing answers to
      (still missing)

This last piece of documentation is still needed for people to easily
start building things.

I don't have much hacking time here in Taiwan, but I wanted to share
this thought.  If noone does things, I can try to do something myself
at the end of the month.



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