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Re: menu handling by cdd-common

On Sat, 17 Apr 2004, Cosimo Alfarano wrote:

> Do you mean, in the case the code have to be changed?

> I do not follow you, sorry. What's the point?
> The transition from old style which touched ~/.menu/ and the current
> one?
No, I mean if we feel the need for changing its code ... but you just
proposed a solution below.

> The fact that a user can modifiy the script?
This is also a point.  We have no policy which prevents the user from
changing scripts in his home directory.

> I think the best way is the script in ~/.menu/cdd-menu should call
> scripts in /usr/share/cdd/menu/<something> so there is no problem to
> update the script code except for some cases (user modifies
> ~/.menu/cdd-menu for example).
Sure - this is a very good idea.

> Updating are done directly by dpkg, and ~/.menu/cdd-menu will call the
> 'system' scripts.
> Unfortunatly update-menus doesn't follow symlinks to executable files,
> it considers symlinks as non-executables and doesn't run them.
Ahh, that's sad because exactly this came to mind when I readed your
comment.  Should we file a bug report to menu or is this done

> So a script executing another one is needed.
> With a symlink it's really simple to check if user changed anything.
Definitely.  But a diff against the old version might do it as well ...

> I'll file a wishlist bug to menu pkg.
> > --- menus.orig  2004-04-17 11:08:55.000000000 +0200
> > +++ menus       2004-04-17 11:08:26.000000000 +0200
> [...]
> > but there are several ways how to handle this:
> >
> >     1. Fix linitan  (should be done in any case)
> It probably can be (temporarely) workarounded by a lintian override
> file, waiting for your fix applied.
Well, I think it is useless effort to work around buggy messages so
I would just ignore them.

> >     2. rename script (I wouldn't like that because the name is fine)
> I'm undecided between cdd-update-menus, telling it is part of the 'cdd
> suite', and update-cdd-menus, confortable for Debian-style update-*
> commands. Anyway it's a seconadry issue, and there might be a symlink.
> The second name doesn't raise the problem.
As I said - I like the name and would not change it - just an idea
to work around the lintian stuff.

> The semantic of cdd-update-menus is currently undefined in my mind.
> The current CVS version is quite old (or probaly not, depending on how
> it evolves).
Huh? Old, what is your normal time scale?

> But before commit it again I'd like to understand how CDDs
> need for it.
> update-menus operates system-wide if called by root, user-wide if called
> by users.
> Should cdd-update-menus mimic it?
> - as root: get all registered CDDs, all Roles regiserd in each CDD, and
> extract users belonging to those Roles (here became clear why is
> important a good backend, if CDD is complex).
> - as user: simply update ~/.menu/cdd-menu
This seems e good solution to me.

> It's probably useless, if ~/.menu/cdd-menu simply calls a script in
> /usr/share/cdd/ and the second one do all the stuff.
> The only operation to be implemented are
> - install script when user is registered to the first CDD
> - remove script when user is unregistered from the last CDD
> - check in some way if script is still present, for registered users,
>   and warn him in some way if it doesn't.
I currently do not have any extension to this list.  I decided to start
documenting what you have done.  You might have noticed that I checked
in a cdd-update-menus.8 which is more or less a renamed cdd-install-menus.8
which was removed (because cdd-update-menus is much better).  If you
would update this man page I would like to start to update the cdd-doc.sgml
to the current state.

Thanks for all your work


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