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Re: [ 極道速報! 24 時 No.129 2008/02/28]

I don't think there's a way to block such bots, except having some sort of moderator who has to approve every mail before it goes out to the list..
Thunderbird's junkfilter isn't capable of sorting out this crap either.
Anyone's got a filter/plugin which does?


Adam C Powell IV schrieb:
Is there a way we can block this email from posting to the list?  It's
getting annoying to have to spam a message a day.  (Why spamassassin
hasn't learned after a couple of weeks is another matter...)


On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 16:50 +0900, melten ID 24306 wrote:
2008年2月28日16時 50分発行
◆◆ 極道速報!24時
◆   全国の極道関連ニュースをリアルタイムでお知らせ。
◆   発行部数/   1770部


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