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Re: mosix kernel_tune

>>>>> "v" == viral  <viral@debian.org> writes:

    v> On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 11:43:33AM -0700, A.J. Rossini wrote:
    >> >>>>> "v" == viral <viral@debian.org> writes:
    v> Hi, Does one have to do a tune_kernel on every mosix node after
    v> installing mosix ?
    >> It's not necessary.

    v> Ok. Is it required for machines which are not quite homogeneous
    v> ? Or will we still be ok without it ?

We'll be "ok".  Tuning can help (or hurt, if you mess up :-)

    v> Also, I'd like to know what other things would be desirable
    v> besides this in the postinst..
    >> How about setting up /etc/mosix.map?

    v> The reason why I wouldn't want to do this, is so that the
    v> package can be installed without any interaction. This makes it
    v> easy to just apt-get across the cluster.

    v> I'm not sure if FAI etc. are used to build clusters yet, in

Yes they can, and I (we?) are investigating this.


A.J. Rossini				Rsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
U. of Washington Biostatistics		rossini@u.washington.edu	
FHCRC/SCHARP/HIV Vaccine Trials Net	rossini@scharp.org
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