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Re: Beowulf generally

On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 12:15:35PM -0700, Grendel wrote:
> I have read some of thislist and I'm trying to decide whether
> there is real utility in using the scyld packages. I have noticed that
> there is a utility called diskless. I have 20GB disks on each of the 
> nodes. Is the diskless method appropriate?

I manage a cluster with five hosts that each have their own disks. I use
the disks for /tmp and swap, and do everything else over the network. The
idea is that the hosts are completely stateless and I can switch them
around or swap out the drives without a hiccup, and I can update everything
in one place. This has been working pretty well for me, though some sort of
rsync scripts would probably work just as well. NFS traffic is minimal
during normal computation, except for any data that is shared via the
filesystem, which would have to be done over NFS anyway.

Sean R. Lynch KG6CVV <seanl@literati.org>   http://www.literati.org/~seanl/
Jabber:kg6cvv@jabber.org AIM:geekboi MSN:kg6cvv Yahoo:kg6cvv ICQ:10107887
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