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Mosix process migration issues.


Now that I have some time, I plan to do something about the startup processes
and process migration defaults.

Here is what I intend to do for the init.d scripts. I'll divert /etc/init.d/rc
for this.

If the file /etc/mosix/stay/process exists, then the process will be
called as "mosrun -h process" during startup.

If the file /etc/mosix/migrate/process exists, then the process will
be called with "mosrun -l process" during startup.

When mosix is started, it will check 4 variables from /etc/default/mosix
to decide the default policies:

MOSIX_NODE : To check if the node is a mosix node.
MIGRATE    : For default migration policy.
BLOCK      : For default arriving policy.
MFS        : For default MFS policy.

If neither /etc/mosix/stay/process nor /etc/mosix/migrate/process exist,
then the default policy as decided by the above variables will be used.

I believe this will allow for fine-grained control. However, the issue
for /etc/inittab still remains open. I think that all the
getty processes can be locked to the home node using a diversion for inittab.
The rest of the things will be controlled as mentioned above.

Let me know if this is a good idea. I've already partially implemented it,
and if nobody has any serious problems against it, then I'll complete
the scripts and make new packages.

I'd also like to know if there are people out there using mosix0.98. In
case anyone is using it, I will also do the same for the mosix0.98 package.


And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too,
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.

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