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Re: MPI 2 ?

In Thu, 7 Dec 2000 17:00:30 +0530 Viral <viral@seul.org> cum veritate scripsit :

> Hi,
> Would anyone know if the MPI 2 spec is finalised, and if there's an 
> mpich implementation.
> I remember that the mpich docs claimed partial implementation for MPI 2.
> But I could be wrong.

You mean these ?  

http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/mpich/mpi2-status.html      <- MPI2 compliance of mpich 1.2
http://www.mpi-forum.org/docs/mpi-20-html/mpi2-report.html  <- MPI2 document

Yes, there is partial support, and the latest version of mpich is 1.2.1 
if anyone is interested. I'll probably be able to put it up sometime soon, but
I'm not making promises, because I haven't managed to get it run yet (under woody).


University: ti0113@mail4.doshisha.ac.jp    Netfort: dancer@netfort.gr.jp
dancer, a.k.a. Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
 Dept. of Knowledge Engineering and Computer Science, Doshisha University.
... Long Live Free Software, LIBERTAS OMNI VINCIT.

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