Re: libreoffice-base: Firebird: Data loss, data changes not saved
Am 17.12.24 um 14:50 schrieb Peter Nowee:
And no, upstream bugs should go upstream.
Just to clarify: Do you mean this is or is not an upstream bug? And if upstream, I assume you mean LibreOffice, not Firebird?
Unless someone proves otherwise I believe it's an upstream bug, yes. And yes, of course I mean LibreOffice here :-)
I have searched both <> and upstream <>, but could not immediately find an existing report. I thought it could be Debian-specific because of the separate packaging of Firebird.
I don't believe so given we package what is there and if you upgraded 24.2 to 24.8 with the firebird packages it doesn't matter, it also gets updated. Doesn't it?
And you initial mail said your -sdbc-firebirdis uptodate.
In general, firebird is not prime-ready even upstream.
That there's no <> bug doesn't exactly say anything, if noone found the condition you had.
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