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Re: libreoffice-nogui: application crash when using the loadComponentFromURL method


Am 05.06.23 um 20:07 schrieb Rene Engelhard:
I will not ship the .ui files in -nogui,  this will be useless doubling of otherwise the same stuff,
Ah, well, let's do it as a stop-gap solution for 7.5
in 7.6 I'll generate -uiconfig-* with all the files

(which both "normal" and -nogui depend on). Looks like we need to generally make -foo depend on -uiconfig-foo. :/

before we do this. (7.6 because it will need a undefined waiting time in NEW; if they ever will approve it, it's quite small)

Too late for the next stable, though, unfortunately.

It still would be interesting to know which components needs this so I can report a bug alike

https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=155411 since I believe you are not trying to open someting which should need anything UIish...



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