Re: autopkgtesting of backports
On Thu, 16 Dec 2021, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> Not with the default apt configuration. You would `-t
> bullseye-backports` to allow packages from backports to be installed as
> dependencies, or to install an suitable pinning file raising the
> priority of bullseye-backports. However in this case we would want to
> raise the priority only of the packages you really need, not of the
> entire backports repository.
Huh, but how would you know for which ones you need it?
Dependencies of dependencies, some of which may need backported
versions, some not, and in any case you’d probably want to test
at least “as much as possible from backports” and “only as much
as needed to fulfil the dependencies from backports”…
«MyISAM tables -will- get corrupted eventually. This is a fact of life. »
“mysql is about as much database as ms access” – “MSSQL at least descends
from a database” “it's a rebranded SyBase” “MySQL however was born from a
flatfile and went downhill from there” – “at least jetDB doesn’t claim to
be a database” (#nosec) ‣‣‣ Please let MySQL and MariaDB finally die!
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