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Re: Nvidia GTX 3000 series card support

Hey Philippe,

On 30/10/20 00:43, phil995511 - wrote:
My Nvidia RTX 3070 coming tomorrow at home.

I need to use a 455 version driver with this graphic card

It you run Debian and need v455 Nvidia drivers; then it looks like you'll need to either build the drivers yourself or run Sid with "experimental" enabled (or some other edgy set up)!

Nvidia v455 drivers (455.23.04-1) appear to only be in "experimental" at this time[1].

[1] https://packages.debian.org/experimental/nvidia-driver

Seeing as Buster backports come from testing (Bullseye), which in turn come from unstable/Sid and both of these only have 450[2][3], I imagine that it will be a few weeks at the absolute soonest before there will be an option to backport to Buster.

[2] https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/nvidia-driver
[3] https://packages.debian.org/sid/nvidia-driver

Having said that, I suspect that the reason why they are in experimental is that the current v5.9 kernel (as per what is currently default in Sid[4]) is incompatible with Nvidia drivers[5]. So until Nvidia fix their drivers and do a new release, you'd need to use an older kernel. TBH, I'm not really sure what your options will be there?!

[4] https://packages.debian.org/sid/linux-image-amd64
[5] https://linuxreviews.org/The_Closed-Source_NVIDIA_Linux_Driver_Is_Incompatible_With_Linux_5.9_And_Support_Won%27t_Come_Until_Mid-November

Personally, until Nvidia stop being so sucky towards open source and Linux, I'd recommend avoiding Nvidia hardware wherever possible.

It does sound like in your case it might be a little too late though?! Perhaps you can contact the vendor and see if you can return it and swap it for an AMD card?

Good luck regardless.


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