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Re: apt can't get some cockpit packages from buster-backports (repo sync issue?)

Hi Martin,

I had a look at debian/rules, the problem seems to be in line 13:

BUILD_DOCKER = $(findstring $(shell . /etc/os-release; echo $${VERSION_ID:-unstable}),18.04 19.10)

In comparison to cockpit 215, you removed "10" from findstring's second argument, but "10" is also present in "19.10", so it is still matched by findstring and the resulting BUILD_DOCKER var is not empty as intended (on buster).

Replacing "findstring" with "filter" (which matches words) seems to do the trick though:

BUILD_DOCKER = $(filter $(shell . /etc/os-release; echo $${VERSION_ID:-unstable}),18.04 19.10)

I ran debuild with that change to debian/rules and it didn't build cockpit-docker package.


On Tue, 21 Apr 2020 at 11:16, Martin Pitt <mpitt@debian.org> wrote:
Hello Bruno,

Bruno Gravato [2020-04-21 11:12 +0100]:
> You probably noticed it already, but just in case, here's a heads up to let
> you know that the same issue seem to have happened again with cockpit 217.

Yes, I did notice it. I changed debian/rules to not build cockpit-docker based
on /etc/os-release, but it built it anyway. I need to debug this more
thoroughly, I just didn't find the time for that yet :/



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