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Re: Any timeline on Jessie Backports getting kernel 4.10?

   Dear Karen,

* Karen Gabrielyan <karen.gabrielyan@gmail.com> [2017-07-11 05:22:43 CEST]:
> Just curious, is there any tentative timeline for Jessie Backports getting
> kernel 4.10?

 Given that packages for jessie-backports get pulled from stretch, and
stretch has 4.9.30, I highly doubt that this will/can happen.  Besides,
testing has 4.11.6, there is no 4.10 anywhere in the archive, even if
jessie-backports-sloppy would get used (and I doubt that the kernel team
wants to have even more work on their shoulders for that too - but
ultimately it's their call).

 Hope that helps a bit,
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