Re: Backports policy for security updates (was: Re: python-django_1.8.18-1~bpo8+1_amd64.changes REJECTED)
* Scott Kitterman <> [2017-05-24 15:20:46 CEST]:
> If you're to angry with Raphael to let him do it, I volunteer.
This is not a personal issue. This is a technical one. Please get
that. Dumping an upgrade path (as it turned out thanks to Neil which
neither of you two mentioned) onto backports is so wrong on so many
levels, but what is mostly wrong with it that there doesn't seem to have
been the try to have any communication with the involved parties
whatsoever for that. That's simply not acceptable.
Again, this is no personal animosity, far from it. This is an issue on
how this was handled and deemed acceptable, which it isn't.
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