Re: fonts-firacode backport
Hi there,
On 05/18/2017 09:41 PM, Pierre Rudloff wrote:
> I got an answer from Fabian Greffrath saying he approves the backport if I'm OK with maintaining it (which is the case).
> Is there anything else needed in order to get this into jessie-backports? :)
You should file a RFS (Request for Sponsorship) bug against
the sponsorship-requests pseudo-package. This will automatically
be forwarded to the mailing list, where
after a short waiting period a friendly DD will pick up your
package and sponsor it. Or, if there are issues with the package,
they might ask you some questions in return.
In the RFS bug you should mention that the maintainer approved
of you backporting the package and your willingness to maintain
it for the lifetime of Jessie. Also, if you haven't already, you
should subscribe to the mailing list
(as per the rules of the backports repository), and mention that
you did so in the RFS bug.
I'm not a DD, so I can't sponsor your package, but if I were I
would be OK with it (assuming it builds, haven't tried that),
as it's a simple no-change backport.
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