backports exception for virtualbox?
Hi Backports Team, unfortunately due to some security issues [1]
(upstream refuses to provide patches for CVEs, the generic answer is "upgrade to latest release"),
virtualbox is now out of Stretch.
I think it should be suitable for Stretch-backports, because I always kept it up-to-date there, at least
until today, because I can't upgrade from 5.1.8 to 5.1.10 because it won't reach testing.
So, I'm asking here about your opinion to have an exception, or to remove it from backports.
Your call, I can't promise anything and I can't see the future, but I never had a backport issue
and I don't foresee problems with my current workflow (keeping it up-to date probably means
having to backport kbuild on new major releases).
The security lifespan is around some years for point releases, but we can also upgrade
to a major release in backports, after some months of testing :)
the 5.1.10 is now built on top of qt5 and Python3, and finally uses the provides the GL implementation
built on top of the system xorg one.
[1] #794466
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