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FFmpeg 3.0.1 for jessie-backports

Dear Multimedia an Backports Teams,

We are now past the bing FFmpeg 2.x -> 3.x transition in unstable and testing.
Big thanks to Sebastian and everyone else involved.

I used to sponsor ffmpeg uploads for Andreas Cadhalpun and also prepared the
uploads to jessie-backports since Andreas did not have upload rights.

Now with Sebastian doing most of the packaging work on ffmpeg my first
question is to him:
Would you like to prepare the jessie-backports uploads for ffmpeg, or should I
continue taking care of Jessie?

My second question is towards both teams:
Is there anyone who would like to wait with uploading ffmpeg 3.0.1 to

IMO updating ffmpeg in jessie-backports sooner than later would be
better due to security
issues fixed in 3.x.

I also plan updating kodi in jessie-backports to 16.1 in the next days.


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