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Re: Recommended git packaging work flow for backports?

Simon Josefsson dijo [Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 09:26:24AM +0200]:
> Hi.  I'm preparing my first backport and couldn't find any information
> on what the best work flow for a Debian package that uses git,
> git-buildpackage, pristine-tar and so on.  Are there any pointers here?
> Should I create a separate branch, pulling in things from 'master' once
> that version has hit testing, update the changelog and maybe modify
> gbp.conf to point at the backport branch, and then build and upload?
> Is anyone working with backports this way?  Any other pitfalls?

I cannot say my case with Drupal7 is typical (and from what I've read
in this thread, it's not), but as I have to carry a non-negligible
diff between Jessie and wheezy-backports¹ (as Wheezy shipped with
Apache 2.2 and there are slight deployment changes for 2.4), I do keep
my backport as separate branches.

FWIW, I have *two* backports branches: I use «bpo70» for
wheezy-backports² (following versions in Jessie) and «bpo60» for
squeeze-backports³ (following versions in Wheezy).

I also keep a branch named «wheezy»⁴ tracking security updates, and am
likely to do the same for the stable Jessie lifetime. In fact, since
the freeze, I've started using release numbering similar to what will
follow during Jessie's stable life cycle (i.e. we are currently at
7.32-1+deb8u3 with the third backported security fix to 7.32, while
Drupal has moved on to 7.35).


¹ https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/drupal7.git/diff/?h=bpo70&id=0c0f99298d068c9acf2d1d2885d7a95e452d39d0&id2=f73acd90a5fd5b7a34bae70df5d22ecd611ab588

² https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/drupal7.git/log/?h=bpo70

³ https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/drupal7.git/log/?h=bpo60https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/drupal7.git/log/?h=wheezy

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