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"Bug" in backported, SEPA-enabled gnucash/libaqbanking34

Salut Sébastien,
hi list!

Recently Sébastien Villemot kindly packaged gnucash 2.6.1-2~bpo70+1 for
wheezy-backports to enable SEPA-transfers. However, this package (or a
dependent subordinate package) is missing two dependencies to function
properly (both available in wheezy-backports):


The former is needed once to get updated SEPA-information from the bank.
The latter is needed every time for SEPA-transfers to work in gnucash
(without it, within gnucash the window to enter the SEPA account, the
amount as well as the descriptive text does not open at all).

I installed both packages from wheezy-backports manually to get things

I am not sure where the dependencies should be set, as there are
certainly off-line gnucash users who prefer not having all on-line
packages installed automatically due to dependencies.

I see that libaqbanking34-plugins is "only" recommended in
libaqbanking34, but it is essential at least for SEPA-transfers! Does it
seem reasonable to have libaqbanking34-plugins as dependency instead of
just a recommendation?

I am not sure if and where aqbanking-tools should be a dependency.

I leave the solution up to the maintainers, who certainly know best how
to tackle the issue.


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