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Re: vsftpd backport from Jessie to Wheezy


* Torbjørn Thorsen <torbjorn@trollweb.no> [2014-03-25 14:15:11 CET]:
> Debian Wheezy ships 2.3.5-3, which should support the
> "allow_writable_chroot" directive. Using the directive, however, seems
> to crash[2] vsftpd on user login.
> As far as I can see, this leaves Debian Wheezy with a vsftpd package
> that can not support my intended configuration, which in my opinion
> represents a regression.

 Right, and this regression should be fixed in wheezy - not in
wheezy-backports.  Backports is not about getting bugfixes for stable.

> Although the configuration isn't exactly recommended by vsftpd, I
> believe the configuration is pretty common.
> Searching around for a solution unveiled that Ubuntu 12.03 LTS seems
> to have the same problem, with PPA and patches being seemingly popular
> solutions.

 If there is a patch, can you try if that applies to the version of
vsftpd in wheezy, and propose to get it applied there?

> Is there any interest in bringing this backported package into the
> official backports ?

 If you only do it because you want to have that bug fixed - please
don't do it.  That would be a misconcept and misunderstanding of what
backports is about.

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