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Re: Backports, Stable releases, Testing, Oh my!

On Mi, 26 feb 14, 10:48:45, micah wrote:
> Personally, I've found the aggressive removal from testing to be a shock
> in a number of cases. I understand the motivations behind it, but it
> feels like a bit too aggressive pressure for my tastes. I've seen a lot
> of developers of packages who have found out their package will be
> removed from testing, but don't have the time to resolve the situation
> before it gets removed, resulting in much pulling of hair. I feel like
> the window for removal from testing is too short and is having negative
> consequences on the stress level of people whose volunteer labor
> contributions to Debian are already stretched thin. Most everyone I've
> spoken to in this situation has said that it wouldn't be so bad if they
> had just a couple more days.

In my opinion, it doesn't matter where you set the deadline, there will 
always be people who will ask for "just a couple more days".

Of course, the question remains whether the right balance was struck 
between a short freeze and keeping the size of Debian manageable. While 
as a user I very much appreciate the Debian repositories, it's not much 
help if packages are buggy and unmaintained.

> For example, say package X has been backported at version 1.0, version
> 2.0 is uploaded to sid, transitions to jessie and then has an RC bug
> that threatens removal. The problem with the 2.0 package has to do with
> some security issue upstream, which looks like it will be a deep code
> massage to fix and will take a while, too long for the testing removal
> auto firing squad. 

From https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2013/09/msg00006.html

    Packages which have RC bugs that are present in both testing and
    unstable, and which have no recent activity (currently this means no
    activity in the last 14 days) will be checked for removal.
    Should your package suffer from an RC bug which needs more time to get
    fixed, the specific bug can be temporarily whitelisted.  Please file a
    bug against release.debian.org with an explanation for the delay;
    these exceptions will granted on a case-by-case basis.

Kind regards,
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