Backporting libbread-board-perl (and some other Perl modules)
Hi all,
I intend to backport some Perl modules to wheezy-backports - I don't
have a complete list yet, but I anticipate at least:
- libbread-board-perl (just uploaded to NEW)
- libnet-twitter-perl (an older version was removed from wheezy at
some point because Twitter changed their API)
I'm confident that I'm backporting "important" enough modules, in that
they are ones I use, that are entirely missing from wheezy.
(Later there might be others that I'm less comfortable uploading - I'm
really going to try to avoid backporting Moose, for example, because
recently it broke a lot of modules which depend on it, and that seems
like a can of worms.)
I'm experimenting to see whether some code at $work can be run
entirely using Perl modules from wheezy+backports - since I need the
backports anyway, I might as well upload them for others to use. I
hope this meets the rules about "notable userbase"! I will of course
commit to maintaining these for the lifetime of wheezy.
Kind regards,
Tim Retout <>
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