Re: Fwd: Porting Iceweasel 10.0.8 ESR to the Stable Backports.
* daniel curtis <> wrote:
> **Hello, next security updates are available for Firefox/Iceweasel; 10.0.10
> [1].
> This update is already available in Wheezy[2] and Sid, but not in
> squeeze-backports. For me, the reason is at least strange, because
> Iceweasel has the same version (10.0.10) in testing. Right, testing.
> So, why it is not in Squeeze Backports?
> I think the security updates should be available right away, even
> on the same day. With each passing day, the risk of an attack is
> very possible. In this case, users running Iceweasel from backports
> are at risk of attack, because the updated version is not yet available
> in Squeeze Backports. Is there any chance of updating a little faster?
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