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Re: backport request

Thank you Nat, that's great news (the part about you being willing, not the part about you not having any free time). I didn't even realize there was the possibility of making rooms private, that's a neat feature. I'm not likely to use that one, because people often pop into mumble to listen in on a podcast live as it's being recorded (a feature that afaik no other software has), and that's a lot of fun for a podcast host.

Please let me know if I can be any help.

Heck, I'll even come baby sit for ya, or cook a meal for you and your sweetie if freeing up some time is all it takes (if you live in or near southern New Hampshire anyway).

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Nat Meysenburg <nat@stealthisemail.com> wrote:
Patrick Dailey <pdailey03@gmail.com> writes:
> I would like to request a package to be added to Debian Stable Backports:
> mumble-server version 1.2.3 (or later). The reason that I'm requesting this
> is because v1.2.3 is the earliest version that allows multi-track
> recording. Multi-track recording is essential for making high quality
> recordings in mumble. If this is not the right way to request a backport,
> please let me know how I should do it instead.

I'm pretty sure this is the right way to ask; though I'm new to the
backporting community.

Another major feature difference between the squeeze and wheezy versions
of mumble-server, is the ability to password protect conversations (or
whatever the mumble specific term is; my IRC brain reverts to calling
them channels). So in squeeze, if I host a public mumble server, users
can create a separate conversations, but anyone can join. In the version
in wheezy, you can optionally add a password, which can allow for a more
private conversation.

I've thought about backporting it myself, since that feature is pretty
important. I haven't looked at the build complexity at all.

I don't have a ton of time right now, but if no one else bites and I
find myself with the illusive "spare time," I will try to package for
squeeze. Of course, not being a Debian  Developer, I will need a sponsor
if I do get around to it.

Happy to help test if someone gets there before me.


Thank You,
Patrick Dailey

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