Patrick Dailey <> writes:I'm pretty sure this is the right way to ask; though I'm new to the
> I would like to request a package to be added to Debian Stable Backports:
> mumble-server version 1.2.3 (or later). The reason that I'm requesting this
> is because v1.2.3 is the earliest version that allows multi-track
> recording. Multi-track recording is essential for making high quality
> recordings in mumble. If this is not the right way to request a backport,
> please let me know how I should do it instead.
backporting community.
Another major feature difference between the squeeze and wheezy versions
of mumble-server, is the ability to password protect conversations (or
whatever the mumble specific term is; my IRC brain reverts to calling
them channels). So in squeeze, if I host a public mumble server, users
can create a separate conversations, but anyone can join. In the version
in wheezy, you can optionally add a password, which can allow for a more
private conversation.
I've thought about backporting it myself, since that feature is pretty
important. I haven't looked at the build complexity at all.
I don't have a ton of time right now, but if no one else bites and I
find myself with the illusive "spare time," I will try to package for
squeeze. Of course, not being a Debian Developer, I will need a sponsor
if I do get around to it.
Happy to help test if someone gets there before me.