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Re: Some notes on the 'Contribute' webpage

* Luca Capello <luca@pca.it> [2012-05-15 17:48:04 CEST]:
> Hi there!
> While re-reading the 'Contribute' webpage, I stumble across the
> following questions:
> - is not the dput's configuration useless?
>     <http://backports-master.debian.org/Contribute/#index2h3>
>   Rationale: dput includes the new backport stanza since (and
>, see #595726.

 I am happy that I managed to get that fixed in squeeze, so I guess it
makes sense to remove the need for it.  On the other hand, I'd rather
tweak it to a statement telling people to remove the snippet from their
personal configuration if they have any. ;)

> - what about previous debian/changelog entries for a package that was in
>   lenny-backports, it has now a major version and it has also changed
>   uploader?
>     <http://backports-master.debian.org/Contribute/#index5h3>

 Depends on how you would see the "branching" going on.  Personally I
keep my packaging in git.  When creating the squeeze-backports branch
from a package formerly backported to lenny-backports, I create it off
the versioned tag for testing, and not from the lenny-backports branch
and *then* merge in the versioned tag from testing.

 If there weren't any changes needed for lenny-backports, it doesn't
make much of a difference (just the changelog, as you mentioned).  If
there were required changes for lenny-backports, that need often went
away and isn't needed for squeeze-backports anymore, so I tend to
consider starting off "fresh" for squeeze-backports is the better

 The upload would have to contain the changelog since squeeze in the
changes file anyway, not since the lenny-backports version, so ...

 I think you might have picked up this part wrongly here:

,------------------------------> quote <------------------------------
| • Include all changelog entries since the last version on debian-backports or
|   since stable if it's the first version. You should do this by passing "-v"
|   to dpkg-buildpackage. Eg: "debuild -sa -v0.7.5-2", where "0.7.5-2" is the
|   version in stable. If the package wasn't in stable or backports before you
|   don't have include the changelog entrys (but you are free to do so).
`------------------------------> quote <------------------------------

 This is a requirement about the *changes* file, not about the changelog
itself.  It isn't required to keep the changelog entries from the former
backports, at all (though it might be nice to keep a history for
yourself, to not forget about taking over required changes for the
backport, if any).

 Hope that helps?
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