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working around a gcc-4.4 bug


There's a bug in gcc-4.4 that causes an ICE on powerpc on a number of
packages, including "crawl" which I just received a report about FTBFSing on
backports.  This particular ICE can be avoided by building with no

Architectures other than powerpc, and gcc-4.5 or 4.6 work well.

What should I do?  Does this require a sourceful upload that checks the
compiler's version and forces noopt on powerpc?  Or is there a better way?

(I'm neither the maintainer nor a DD, just a member of the upstream team who
sometimes prepares packages ready for upload since the maintainer is quite
busy these days.)

A sourceful upload is not out of question -- I can cut an upstream point
release with a bunch of bugfixes so they can get in before Ubuntu's import
freeze on June 16.  I just wonder what's the least intrusive way.

1KB		// Microsoft corollary to Hanlon's razor:
		//	Never attribute to stupidity what can be
		//	adequately explained by malice.

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