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Re: squeeze amavisd-new requires updated pax.. add to backports?


* John Clements <clements@brinckerhoff.org> [2011-05-31 22:21:09 CEST]:
> A search of the debian-backports mailing lists generates no hits for
> "pax", hope this isn't a known issue...
> The version of 'pax' associated with squeeze appears to be broken for
> all .tar files:
> The updated version of pax (1:20090728-2) does not exhibit this
> behavior on my machine (debian squeeze, i686), and it appears to me
> that adding the updated version to either squeeze-backports or to
> squeeeze itself would be a good idea.

 Given that this is a bugreport about the package in squeeze and it will
still affect squeeze users when someone does a backport, the proper
place to get this fixed is squeeze, not squeeze-backports.

 Backports is a service to offer newer features, not to offer bugfixes
for stable. We have point releases for stable for a reason, and we
actually have the responsibility for our users to get stuff fixed in
stable where the issue is severe enough - and this report sounds like it
would be a pretty good idea to get it fixed in stable.

 You should file a bugreport against the package and suggest to the
maintainer to run a squeeze update through the release team for fixing
the issue.

 Thanks, and enjoy!
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