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Re: Default paper size in LibreOffice - SOLVED?

* Rick Thomas <rbthomas@pobox.com> [2011-06-27 07:16:46 CEST]:
> I don't know why this works, but I noticed that one of my machines had a  
> package called "cups-pdf" installed (which hauls in "libpaper-utils" --  
> more on this later...) and on that machine I got a choice of two  
> printers (as Greg notes above) one is "lp" (my networked postscript  
> printer) and one is "pdf" a virtual pdf printer.  On that machine, the  
> default paper size is "Letter".

 Out of curiosity, what's the content of your /etc/papersize file in all
your environments, especially the ones that give you the wrong result?

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