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Encode.pm >= 2.35 in lenny-backports


I'd like to backports libnet-oauth-perl from testing, but this version
depends on perl 5.10.1 in order to satisfy the Encode.pm dependency of
this module.

Since it's not appropriate to backport perl just for this change, what
I'd like to do is get a suitable version of libencode-perl into
lenny-backports (an earlier version was in etch-backports, by comparison).

Unfortunately, there isn't actually a libencode-perl in testing (or
unstable) at all, at the moment.

Can anyone comment on the best way round this? Could backports.org
allow an upload of libencode-perl 2.35 prepared specially for
lenny-backports, or should I upload a libencode-perl to unstable instead
purely for backporting reasons?

Are there any other options I've missed?


Dominic Hargreaves | http://www.larted.org.uk/~dom/
PGP key 5178E2A5 from the.earth.li (keyserver,web,email)

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