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Re: Care of your packages Was: Accepted dh-ocaml 0.4.1~bpo50+1 (source all)

* Andres Salomon <dilinger@queued.net> [2010-02-01 19:20:00 CET]:
> This conversation isn't about security fixes or bug fixes.  It's about
> new major versions of packages.  New major versions of packages
> often include more bugs than they fix.

 No, actually this discussion was triggered by an required
build-dependencies for a backports which are in a too little version on
backports to satisfy them and started to evolve into nitpicking
(including from my part) different aspects of reasons for why one
wouldn't want to upload a newer version and belittling valid reasons for
changes other than just a single changelog entry that reads "rebuilt for

 Speaking about security fixes, could you kindly update gtk+2.0 for
<http://osvdb.org/show/osvdb/61203>[1] and libtool for DSA-1958-1?
[1] <http://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/TEMP-0000000-000214>

 Thanks in advance! :)

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