Re: Removal request for xen-tools
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 10:12:29AM +0100, Jan Wagner wrote:
> please remove xen-tools from your archive, as it was removed[1] after a
> removal request[2] from testing, cause it has a significant amount of grave[3]
> and security[4] bugs.
JFTR, not only from testing, but also from unstable.
> If anybody want the package get back on track for squeeze, NOW is the time to
> get in hurry.
Well, the RM RoM ( was because of
xen-tools being "obsolote, unsupported". As much as I like it, this
sounds like a final thing.
Steve: WRT "obsolete": Is there a successor project for it? Or do you
suggest to move to libvirt? With exception that it didn't get any
commits for 12 months
(, doesn't sound that obsolete
(yet). But OTOH, you are not only package maintainer but also
upstream, so you are the one who has to know it best...
Kind regards, Axel Beckert
Axel Beckert <> support: +41 44 633 26 68
IT Services Group, HPT D 17 voice: +41 44 633 41 89
Departement of Physics, ETH Zurich
CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland
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