Fwd:APT preferences, undocumented Pin=1
Dear everybody,
I just sent this to the debian apt package maintainers, but this issue should be probably mentioned in the backports "instructions", so I send it here as well.
Best regards,
Matteo Semplice
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Dear maintainers,
I understand that you're busy with the frozen lenny, but I finally manage to pinpoint an issue with apt-get and backports.
I find quite confusing that the following is needed to track and automatically upgrade openoffice.org from etch-backports.
In particular omitting the first Pin-Priority stanza sets the priority of the whole etch-backports to 1 and the openoffice.org stanza does not have effect: the package is not upgraded with "apt-get upgrade" when a new version becomes available in etch-backports.
==== /etc/apt/preferences ===
Package: *
Pin: release a=etch-backports
Pin-Priority: 700
Package: openoffice.org
Pin: release a=etch-backports
Pin-Priority: 850
Package: *
Pin: release a=stable,v=4.0*
Pin-Priority: 800
This, I guess, is related to the "NotAutomatic: yes" issue mentioned in bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=490347, but it seems to me a more general issue.
I am willing to give further details and/or file a new bug, if needed, but hope that this issue can be clarified for lenny...
Best regards,
Matteo Semplice
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