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etch-backports of iceowl-extension for amd64?


I just got a new PC at work and finally installed the Debian AMD64 variant. I'm glad to see almost everything works out of the box by now, however, unfortunately, I realized that my beloved iceowl-extension is not available as an etch-backport for AMD64 (even though icedove, iceweasel etc are available on etch), nor are there AMD64 builds of the non-packaged (upstream) extension. I'm missing this option a lot as it previously (on i386) allowed me to ditch some proprietary software in use here internally and use this beautiful solution instead.

Unfortunately, doing my own backports via pbuilder is not an option
(I simply lack the time) as is upgrading to the 'testing' branch
(I need a fully reliable OS here).

So, my plea would be: could you please provide backports for iceowl-extension on AMD64?

Thanks in advance for considering it!

By the way, I am not subscribed to the mailing list, please CC me on replies (I'll also check the mailman/lurker archives, though).


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