Re: Pure-ftpd backport?
On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 12:23:48PM +0100, Gálos András wrote:
> Would one of you be kind enough to backport the new 1.0.21 release of
> pure-ftpd?
> This contains some very useful features, like:
> UTF8 support
> Large file support
> Etch contains 1.0.21-5, this would be an excellent solution to the accented
> letters and hidden large files problems.
I have it backported for my servers. Large files support was the reason.
> Of course, if nobody plans to do it, I'll try it myself. But if somebody
> does, that would be great!
If no one wants to backport it, it can be downloaded from my site:
or add /etc/apt/sources.list (if you want to make a mess :) ):
deb bpmps-sarge/
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