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Re: Backporting contrib (java) packages?

Frank Küster wrote:
> I have made a backport of jabref, which is in contrib even in sid and
> etch because it requires Sun's Java.  Are there any rules for preparing
> a backport to be uploaded to backports.org?  Should I use my home-made
> Java-SDK (with java-package), or something else?

I was bugging the sun-java5 maintainers about getting it in testing a
while ago, but actually they don't have much interests in taking care
about the bugs to make it happen. However, once it is in testing, a
backport could be made.

An unstable exception is not granted, because nobse insists (fortunately
;) to have the RC-bugs (mostly about licensing) solved first.

In the enduring meanwhile, I /personally/ propose to continue to accept
packages which depend on sun-java, most users know that they have to
take care about sun-java themself (either by using java-package,
installing the sid package on stable, or getting blackdowns outdated
packages). Remember, for ooo2 on stable, people have to get sun java
>=1.4.2 too.


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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