Re: scorched3d backport
Robert Edmonds wrote:
> Norbert, et al:
> I've backported scorched3d and its versioned build-dep openal using a
> pbuilder sarge chroot. If you'd like to pull these into the bpo
> repository, they are available here:
This is a quite old version of openal. Recently, openal has split
freealut into its own sourcepackage, and the package was renamed to
libopenal0a, in order to force all reverse dependencies (like this game)
to be rebuilt.
If you need a quick package on sarge, you probably have no other choice
than what you did right now. But since this version of the package
openal is neither in stable, and will be replaced soon by new upstream
versions which will change SONAME, I'm (as comaint of openal) not that
happy having this old version of openal in backports. The new packages
of openal and freealut are currently on NEW. and should be backported
again. This means that scorced3d would have to transition in both
unstable as well as in
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