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Accepted util-vserver 0.30.216-pre3054-1~bpo70+1 (source amd64)

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.8
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:33:56 +0200
Source: util-vserver
Binary: util-vserver
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 0.30.216-pre3054-1~bpo70+1
Distribution: wheezy-backports
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez <clopez@igalia.com>
Changed-By: Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez <clopez@igalia.com>
 util-vserver - user-space tools for Linux-VServer virtual private servers
Closes: 176894 230565 233823 234332 236680 236704 238734 247429 247431 253307 254277 256655 257853 258038 258487 259214 264685 270641 272616 280723 281848 288694 291426 297787 297806 301696 302321 304073 304650 305216 305610 306531 306549 307429 307980 308893 308998 309681 311855 312075 314156 319927 321171 321659 323888 327577 328209 329090 330529 332193 338383 343277 346156 346223 346334 348234 351556 356417 360438 360563 360675 360755 360765 360885 360983 361007 361374 361382 362887 363342 363343 363382 363422 364179 364384 365931 366393 367173 377690 383794 389614 389720 391088 393095 397114 398015 399469 399611 400044 400101 400132 400862 401190 403332 405356 406040 415202 415500 420284 430484 432410 439133 444798 445054 447161 447296 448439 448797 449670 456996 472889 484479 486060 491072 492093 496803 499857 504033 504780 505521 506949 508569 512856 524977 527065 530995 536452 536680 537916 542751 551921 553154 553651 586510 605473 630368 648160 658470 658506 737629
 util-vserver (0.30.216-pre3054-1~bpo70+1) wheezy-backports; urgency=medium
   * Rebuild for wheezy-backports.
 util-vserver (0.30.216-pre3054-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
   * Fix FTBFS with alternative syscalls disabled (Closes: #737629).
   * Update debian/watch to check also for pre-releases.
   * Switch to debhelper 9:
     - Enable hardening flags.
     - Run upstream unit tests at build time.
   * Run autoreconf before build.
   * Build python bindings.
   * Disable mounting /tmp as tmpfs by default.
 util-vserver (0.30.216-pre3038-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New mantainer
   * New upstream release (Closes: #605473) (Closes: #648160)
   * Update debian/copyright and switch it to dep5 format (Closes: #586510)
   * Change build dependency on automake1.9 (obsoleted) to automake
 util-vserver (0.30.216-pre2864-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Non-maintainer upload.
   * Fix pending l10n issues. Debconf translations:
     - Danish (Joe Hansen).  Closes: #630368
     - Indonesian (Mahyuddin Susanto).  Closes: #658470
     - Polish (Michał Kułach).  Closes: #658506
 util-vserver (0.30.216-pre2864-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
   * Fix bashisms in helper scripts (Closes: #530995)
 util-vserver (0.30.216-pre2864-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream pre-release (Closes: #542751)
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2855-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Upgrade to latest svn snapshot
   * Upgrade standards version: no changes
   * Remove patches/70vserverbuild_cronfix.dpatch
   * Fix pending l10n issues. Debconf translations:
     . Japanese (Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP)).  Closes: #512856
     . Italian (Luca Monducci).  Closes: #551921
     . Russian (Yuri Kozlov).  Closes: #537916
     . Basque (Piarres Beobide).  Closes: #553154
     . Finnish (Esko Arajärvi).  Closes: #553651
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2842-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added pkg-config to build-depends to fix FTBS (Closes: #536680)
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2842-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Remove /var/run directories from the package, they are managed
     by the initscript
   * Add set -e to util-vserver.preinst
   * Removed var/lock/sybsys, var/run/vservers.rev var/run/vservers
     and var/run/vshelper from debian/dirs as these are managed by
     the initscript
   * Added ${misc:Depends} to Depends
   * Update debhelper compatibility to 5
   * Update standards version (no changes)
   * Update Build-depends for new libbeecrypt-dev name (Closes: #536452).
   * Update Build-depends to also build against libnss3-dev
   * Remove 20securemount.dpatch, 30secmount_dev_fix.dpatch, 50dev_shm.dpatch
     60securecaps.dpatch, 80supportapiandcaps.dpatch as these are now part of
     the new snapshot
   * Update to newer upstream snapshot (Closes: #524977)
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2772-7) unstable; urgency=low
    * Remove owned and unowned files after purge (Closes:#527065)
      Thanks to Andrew Lee for the patch!
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2772-6) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Added patch from Andres Mejia to fix bashisms (Closes: #486060)
   * Build on powerpc without the alternative syscalls, to fix
     vattribute: vc_set_ccaps(): Interrupted system call problem.
     Thanks to John H. Robinson, IV" <jaqque@debian.org> (Closes: #508569)
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2772-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added debian/patches/70vserverbuild_cronfix.dpatch to fix
     disabled cron problem
   * Added debian/patches/80supportapiandcaps.dpatch to update the
     API to fix the 2.6.27 regression (Closes: #505521) and solves
     the capability inversion issue. (Closes: #506949)
   * Added Swedish translation, thanks Martin Bagge (Closes: #504033)
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2772-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added /dev/shm to be created on vserver build for POSIX
     compliance (Closes: #504780)
   * Added debian/patches/60securecaps.dpatch to change the default
     policy to assume all capabilities are unsafe, unless they are
     specifically listed.
   * Fix incorrect $(CURDIR) usage in debian/rules (Closes: #307980)
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2772-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add versioned depends on util-linux (Closes: #499857)
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2772-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix initscript stop blocking reboot/shutdown (Closes: #496803)
   * Add 20securemount.dpatch and 30secmount_dev_fix.dpatch
     to fix -ro bindmounts becoming -rw
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2772-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Update to version that will work with the lenny kernel
   * Removed patches/50fix-syslogd-ignore-mask.dpatch as this has
     been incorporated upstream
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2750-3) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Fix incorrect removal of rsyslog in inittpost resulting
     in guests not starting properly, due to lenny release goal
     of switching to rsyslog (Closes: #491072)
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2750-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Make configure script executable for buildds (Closes: #492093)
 util-vserver (0.30.216~r2750-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Upgrade to svn revision 2750
   * Remove unneeded 20newapi.dpatch
   * Updated standards version to 3.8.0 (no changes)
 util-vserver (0.30.215-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * add patch 20newapi.dpatch which supports new kernel
     API headers this is needed because debian's
     linux-libc-dev is at 2.6.25 (Closes: #484479)
 util-vserver (0.30.215-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Remove bashism from initscript (Closes: #472889)
 util-vserver (0.30.215-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Bump version due to upload to TPU: epic fail
 util-vserver (0.30.215-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
   * Update update-rc.d remove call to remove the right startup links
   * Removed 20freshenvserverman, 30createvserver-buildman as these
     have moved upstream
   * Updated testfs.sh example script to version 18
   * Add --no-restart-on-upgrade to debian/rules dh_installinit
     (Closes: #456996)
   * Updated debian/copyright to have correct upstream URL and copyright
   * Added -n to debian/rules dh_makeshlibs and dh_installdebconf so
     duplicate updaterc.d calls in package scripts are removed
 util-vserver (0.30.214-6) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add Homepage, Vcs-Browser, Vcs-Svn fields to debian/control
   * Add checks to make sure the .pkg and .hash directories are created
   * Add chroot barrier on .pkg and .hash directory
   * Adjust debian/watch file to find packages properly (Closes: #449670)
   * Actually add the vserver-build man page
   * Updated Standards version to 3.7.3 (no changes)
   * Remove Suggests on kernel-patch-vserver
   * Fixed some lintian errors
 util-vserver (0.30.214-5) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Added patch to make default/util-vserver options work with
     both 'yes' and 'true, also removes extra $ in message due
     to bashism (Closes: #448439)
   * Fixed bad test in preinst (Closes: #448797)
 util-vserver (0.30.214-4) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Fix incorrectly created directory
     /usr/lib/util-vserver/distributions/etch (Closes: #447296)
   * Remove /etc/vservers.conf from being distributed, this functionality is
     in /etc/defaults/util-vserver in Debian (Closes: #444798)
   * Add NEWS.Debian informtion about the static ID requirements in this
     version (Closes: #445054)
   * Add patches/20freshenvserver.dpatch to update the vserver(8) manpage
     (Closes: #447161)
   * Added patches/30createvserver-buildman.dpatch to create vserver-build(8)
   * Added patches/40vserver-build.dpatch to change the vserver-build script
     to include some missing arguments in the Usage section and remove legacy
     build methods
   * Removed legacy binaries and man pages that are no longer supported
   * Fixed debian/rules to pass debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error lintian
   * Added debhlper token to debian/util-vserver.prerm
   * Added LSB section to init.d script
 util-vserver (0.30.214-3) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Fixed incorrect tab stops in debian/rules preventing
   migration to testing due to some arches, also cleaned up unused things
   * Switched Maintainer and Uploaders fields, as this is more close to reality
   * Added patch to fix grammar in rebootmgr.8 (Closes: #430484)
   * Removed build restriction for arm arch
   * Bumped urgency to medium to speed migration to testing as many people are
     wanting a backport from testing of this version
 util-vserver (0.30.214-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Updated testfs in examples/ to newest version
   * Added e2fslibs-dev build-dep to fix 'FS_IOC_GETFLAGS' missing declaration
   * Disable legacy support as Debian doesn't ship any 2.4 kernels
   * Removed patches/01strict_ansi.dpatch as this is only needed for fscompat
     API, which is the ioctl-based interfaces to get/set flags/xid/etc in
     legacy (2.4) kernels
 util-vserver (0.30.214-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
   * Removed modutils from Build-depends and Suggests (Closes: #432410)
   * Update build-depends to require dietlibc-dev >= 0.31-1 to fix
   vsched readdir bad address problem
   * Add patches/01strict_ansi.dpatch to get around problem
   in linux-libc-dev (Closes: #439133)
   * removed e2fsprogs build-requirement as it is Priority: required already
 util-vserver (0.30.213-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release (Closes: #399469, #403332)
   * Removed unnecessary lib/vserver-syscall-def.h
   * Revert sysv/vprocunhide to upstream original
   * Revert scripts/vserver.stop to upstream original
   * Removed outdated documentation in man/ to sync with upstream:
   * Fixed force stop on restart, thanks vagrantc (Closes: #406040)
   * Removed pointless 03_vserver-build.functions_etc.dpatch
   * Correct incorrect reference to tty9 in defaults file, also standardize on
     "yes" value for BACKGROUND (Closes: #405356)
   * Added Spanish debconf translation, thanks to Steve Lord Flaubert
     (Closes: #415202)
   * Added Dutch debconf translation, thanks to Bart Cornelis
     (Closes: #415500)
   * Added Portugese debconf translation, thanks Portuguese Translation Team
     (Closes: #420284)
   * Updated testme.sh and testfs.sh scripts
 util-vserver (0.30.212-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
   * Removed patches that are included in this release
   * Removed build on Makefile.svn
 util-vserver (0.30.211-6) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add cwd to the list of paths to exclude from namespace cleanup
     (Closes: #401190)
 util-vserver (0.30.211-5) unstable; urgency=high
   * Update vserver bash completion script to handle multiple sourcing
     scenarios (Closes: #400044)
   * Added mkdir -p lines to initscript for those who mount /var/run
     as tmpfs (Ubuntu bug: #50545)
   * Create 09_automake_versions.dpatch to patch build system to
     use 1.9 automake utilities to fix FTBS (Closes: #400862)
   * Update 08_rsyncbuild_namespace_clone_naddress.dpatch to fix
     a small error that caused non-sysv initstyles to break
 util-vserver (0.30.211-4) unstable; urgency=high
   * Added build-dep on libtool and automake1.9
   * Added 08_rsyncbuild_namespace_clone_naddress.dpatch to add support for
     naddress (add/remove addresses on the fly), build -m rsync support, and
     more namespace cleanup fixes
   * Added 07_rsync_flags.dpatch to use the same flags for legacy as the rsync
     build method's default (Closes: #383794)
   * Added patch to improve namespace cleanup to make sure some required directories stick
     around, and add some configuration options to exclude further paths.
   * Added 05_fix_no_dev_sanity.dpatch to fix no_dev_sanity logic
   * Added 04_optional_vlogin.dpatch to make vlogin optional
   * Added 01_clone_updates patch so CLONE_NEWUTS|CLONE_NEWIPC are supported
   * Updated scripts/vserver.functions, src/vserver-stat.c and src/vps.c to
     note the new location of the upstream FAQ (Closes: Bug#400101)
   * Updated capitalization in the initscript
   * Removed pointless early startup info in /etc/defaults/util-vserver
   * Removed vprocunhide status test in initscript, it was fundamentally flawed
   * Fixed kernel detection in init script status (Closes: #398015)
   * Added backgrounding for modern vserver guests in init script to support
     defaults file (Closes: #391088)
   * Added ALWAYS_STOP to /etc/defaults/util-vserver, with default set to
     true so that when the system is rebooted, running vservers are stopped
     to avoid potential filesystem corruption (Closes: #400132)
   * Changed AUTO default in /etc/defaults/util-vserver to be true instead of
   * Removed AUTO debconf question as this violated 10.7.4 (maintainer scripts
     must not alter a conffile...including the one the script belongs to),
     urgency set to high as this is a RC bug
   * Special thanks goes to vagrant, he gets a delicious ball of queso fresco
     as thanks
 util-vserver (0.30.211-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Updated Czech debconf translation from Miroslav Kure
     <kurem@upcase.inf.upol.cz>, closes: #399611.
 util-vserver (0.30.211-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Updated French debconf templates, closes: #393095.
   * Added German debconf translation, closes: #397114. Thanks to Helge
     Kreutzmann <debian@helgefjell.de> for the patch.
 util-vserver (0.30.211-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Upgrade to new release
     . removed 20 patches that have been included in upstream release
   * Upgrade to examples/testfs.sh-0.14
   * Upgrade to examples/testme.sh-0.16
   * Make name more consistent (Closes: #389614)
   * Updated project URL in debian/control and debian/watch
 util-vserver (0.30.210-11) unstable; urgency=low
   Ola Lundqvist <opal@debian.org>
   * Enabled backwards compatibility, closes: #389720.
     Thanks to Dariusz Pietrzak <proftpd@forumakad.pl>.
     This include a change to the init script to make it work
     for more than one legacy config file.
   * Updated to standards version 3.7.2.
   Micah Anderson <micah@debian.org>  Mon, 15 May 2006 11:07:37 -0500
   * Add Czech translation (Closes: #367173)
   * Change short description to be accurate
   * Fixed restart problem (Closes: #377690)
 util-vserver (0.30.210-10) unstable; urgency=low
   * Correcting bash completion problem, closes: #365931, #366393.
     Done by updating to version 0.4 and adding /usr/sbin to vserver-info call.
 util-vserver (0.30.210-9) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add recommends on debootstrap and yum (Closes: #363382)
   * Add french translation of debconf templates (Closes: #363422)
   * Updated start vservers patch (Closes: #364179)
   * Add vserver bash completion script (Closes: #364384)
 util-vserver (0.30.210-8) unstable; urgency=low
   * Removed build-time tests from debian/rules (Closes: #362887)
   * Update description to fix URL (Closes: #363342)
   * Update description to be more up to date (Closes: #363343)
   * Fix replacement of /etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase even if it
     has been modified locally (Closes: #361382)
 util-vserver (0.30.210-7) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fixed extra file installed in /etc/default (Closes: #361374)
   * Updated vcontext --uid patch fixing segfaults when called with
     incorrect usernames, and missing hunks for chkconfig in scripts/vserver
   * Updated chroot barrier setting in initscript
   * Added build-time tests to debian/rules
   * Added apis patch to fix a typo and allowing for specifying oldproc and
     olduts in --enable-apis in configure
   * Added condrestart patch to fix conditional restarts in 'vserver'
   * Added cpuset support patch
   * Added patch to fix nice function
   * Added prefix configure patch fix
   * Added patch to warn that gentoo initstyle is not an option
   * Added patch to fix start-vservers --all -stop not actually stopping all
     vservers, just marked ones
   * Added patch to fix vserver usage message to be more clear
   * Added a patch that lets you install Fedora Core 5 guests
   * Thanks go to Daniel Hokka Zakrisson!
 util-vserver (0.30.210-6) unstable; urgency=low
   * Updated vserver delete patch
   * Updated vlogin patch to 1.10
 util-vserver (0.30.210-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added patch for vnamespace cleanup, allows you
     to touch /etc/vserver/<vsname>/namespace-cleanup or
     touch /etc/vservers/.defaults/namespace-cleanup globally,
     thanks to Bastian Blank (Closes: #360983)
   * Add patch to cleanup s390 and sparc64 clone_arch, thanks
     to Daniel Hokka Zakrisson (Closes: #361007)
   * Updated vlogin patch, now handles echo better
 util-vserver (0.30.210-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Move barrier on non-directories to initscript to try and get
     corner cases (Closes: #360885)
   * Add missing db_stop to postinst
 util-vserver (0.30.210-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Removed bashisms from initscript (Closes: #360675)
   * Fixed init script setting barrier on non-directories (Closes: #360765)
   * Updated debconf templates to follow developers reference (Closes: #360755)
   * Added vlogin patch from Daniel Hozac
 util-vserver (0.30.210-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add dpatch to build-depends (Closes: #360563)
 util-vserver (0.30.210-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release (Closes: #343277, #307980)
   * Replaced upstream init scripts with a single init script that
     uses /etc/defaults and attempts to set the chroot barrier on start
   * Added debconf templates to ask if vservers should be controlled by boot
   * Added debconf templates on purge to ask about removing the entire
     /etc/vservers directory
   * Fixed things so we clean up after ourselves on uninstall (Closes: #348234)
   * Fixed start-vservers improper temp file cleanup (Closes: #351556)
   * Added patch to fix s390 clone syscall reversal (Closes: #356417)
   * Change name of testme scripts to be consistant with upstream
   * Add vschedcalc example script for calculating token buckets
   * Add patch to fix suexec from host with an invalid ID running as root
     (Closes: #360438)
   * Add patch to fix vattribute bcaps not being reset
   * Add patch to make chcontext behave as expected with --secure
   * Add patch to add vserver delete option
   * Moved make from a Recommends to a Depends (Closes: #327577)
   * Updated syscall-alternatives.h to -shiny10 patch
 util-vserver (0.30.209-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Include delta-0.30.209-shiny8.diff fixing syscalls for mips
     kudos to Greek0 and Bertl
   * Enable hppa build in debian/rules as it is now supported
     (Closes: #346223)
   * Include fix from Kilian Krause to check for vserver support in the
     kernel before running, stop the messy boot messages (Closes: #346156)
   * Migrate to new package repository
   * Add me as an Uploader in debian/control
   * Bump Standards version to 3.6.2 (no changes)
   * Added testme.sh and testfs.sh to examples/ (Closes: #346334)
 util-vserver (0.30.209-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
     This fix a vserver escape problem on 2.4 kernel, closes: #329090.
   * Documented that xattrs is needed as a mount option on reiserfs,
     closes: #330529.
   * Remove two files on purge, closes: #338383.
 util-vserver (0.30.208-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Applied patch that make it possible to build on any architecture
     without the need of an vserver aware kernel, closes: #328209. Thanks
     to Andrew Lee <andrew@linux.org.tw> and Jrmy Bobbio
     <jeremy.bobbio@etu.upmc.fr> for the fix.
     Closes: #323888 (as well).
   * Corrected FSF address in debian/copyright.
 util-vserver (0.30.208-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Applied delta-0.30.208-fix02-fix03.diff patch to fix
     vc_create_context issue, closes: #332193. Thanks to
     Micah Anderson <micah@riseup.net> for the information.
   * Depend on libbeecrypt6-dev (>= 4.1.2-2) to make sure that vhashify
     will be built correctly, closes: #319927.
 util-vserver (0.30.208-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Applied patch-0.30.208-fix02.diff instead of patch-0.30.208-
 util-vserver (0.30.208-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release, closes: #321659.
   * Applied fix patch from upstream.
   * Added debian/watch file for simplified updates.
 util-vserver (0.30.207-11) unstable; urgency=low
   * Sparc build fixed again with help of Steve Langasek
     <vorlon@debian.org> that suggested -mcpu=v8 instead of mv8.
 util-vserver (0.30.207-10) unstable; urgency=low
   * Commented out -mv8 option to GCC as it no longer build with it,
     closes: #321171.
 util-vserver (0.30.207-9) unstable; urgency=low
   * Now almost all arches fail to build from source since the last fix,
     closes: #314156.
 util-vserver (0.30.207-8) unstable; urgency=low
   * Close issue with ia64 build (need latest dietlibc),
     closes: #311855, #312075.
 util-vserver (0.30.207-7) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fixed newly introduced bashism.
 util-vserver (0.30.207-6) unstable; urgency=high
   * Use beecrypt6 instead of beecrypt2, closes: #309681.
   * Suggest kernel-patch-vserver instead of kernel-patch-ctx, closes: #308998.
   * Corrected documentation, closes: #308893.
   * Better upgrade that avoid errors, closes: #305216.
 util-vserver (0.30.207-5) unstable; urgency=high
   * libvserver so files is now in the package, closes: #306549.
 util-vserver (0.30.207-4) unstable; urgency=high
   * Fix install issue again, closes: #307429.
 util-vserver (0.30.207-3) unstable; urgency=high
   * Fix install issue, closes: #307429.
   * Added dist-clean to clean target in debian/rules to make a less big
     debian diff file.
 util-vserver (0.30.207-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Added some more dependencies, closes: #305610.
 util-vserver (0.30.207-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New upstream release.
   * Added build dependency on beecrypt2-dev to build vhashify,
     closes: #306549.
   * Modified build with debootstrap, closes: #306531.
   * Added -H to vserver-copy.
   * Added a setattr --barrier to postinst.
   * Default dir is now set in /etc/vservers/.default/vdirbase
     even for legacy configuration.
 util-vserver (0.30.206-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fixed minor documentation issue on the last fix.
   * Moved back util-vserver-vars from /etc to /usr/lib/util-vserver.
   * Manage symlinks in /etc/vservers/.defaults/ by using postinst
     to make sure that they are not reset on upgrade.
   * Changed postinst upgrade path so it fit latest util-vserver package.
 util-vserver (0.30.206-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix for scripts/vserver-build.functions so it check for VDIR/etc
     instead of VDIR to allow for LVM mounted partitions.
 util-vserver (0.30.206-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
 util-vserver (0.30.204-6) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added new manpages for vserver and vserver-build, closes: #304650.
 util-vserver (0.30.204-5) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Fixed so that vserver-copy use bash instead of sh, closes: #304073.
   * Fixed so that vserver-copy use --numeric-ids to allow proper copy
     between servers, closes: #302321.
 util-vserver (0.30.204-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Build depend on a later version of dietlibc, closes: #301696.
   * Added a rule to debian/rules so that it do not build on hppa
     that do not have a reserved syscall in the kernel.
   * Special build rule in debian/rules is no longer needed for powerpc
     with the new dietlibc, and so removed.
 util-vserver (0.30.204-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix in configure call in order to make it build on s390, hppa and
     mipsel, closes: #301696. Thanks to Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org>
     for pointing this out.
   * This only work on autoconf (>= 2.52), so adding that build dep.
 util-vserver (0.30.204-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Removed provide of vserver-debiantools.
   * Added build dependency on a fixed dietlibc.
     This closes: #297806 with the fixes from Lars Wirzenius.
   * Added a rule in debian/rules that cause a build error on arm arch.
 util-vserver (0.30.204-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/rules: Added stuff to put architecture specific macros to CFLAGS
     to work around problems in dietlibc's header files.
   * src/vshelper-sync.c: Test for __linux__ (which is defined always when
     compiling for Linux) instead of __linux (which is not defined when
     compiling with gcc --std=c99).
 util-vserver (0.30.204-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
     This is the release that actually support alpha, see #297787.
   * Make sure that util-vserver-vars is not updated every release just because
     the Id string has been updated.
 util-vserver (0.30.203-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Moved util-vserver-vars to /etc/vservers in order to support
     different vserver rootdir in legacy support mode.
   * Removed conflict with vserver-debiantools.
   * Documented how to support other location than /var/lib/vservers
     for the vserver roots.
   * Verified that compiling on a non-ctx kernel work with this
     version of util-vserver, closes: #291426.
   * New upstream version that will work on alpha, closes: #297787.
   * It also have much better support for Debian and therefore the
     vunify binary no longer need to be removed, closes: #176894.
   * The vproc security is also in this version, closes: #258038.
   * Uncommented the upgrade path from the vserver package and also
     made sure that it works with this version of util-vserver.
 util-vserver (0.30.203-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * New upstream version.
   * No longer use dpatch (build dep removed).
   * ndim_rollup.dpatch not applied.
   * vserver-ctx-file-correction.diff no longer applies and is removed.
   * Updated copyright file with upstream download location.
 util-vserver (0.30.196-1) experimental; urgency=low
   * Hans Ulrich Niedermann
     - Adapt for proposed upstream tarball with docs included.
     - Require net-tools/nameif and vlan/vconfig (for legacy scripts).
     - debian/patches/ndim_rollup.dpatch: Rollup patch to include docs.
       This patch contains the difference between the released upstream
       tarball and our proposed upstream tarball. Our proposal is to
       include the docs built with non-free/contrib in the upstream
       tarball, so that we don't need the tools to generate them.
   * Kilian Krause
     - preliminary alpha utils deb.
   * Ola Lundqvist
     Minor changes.
 util-vserver (0.30-13) unstable; urgency=high
   * Use chmod instead of chattr becuase of dependencies.
 util-vserver (0.30-12) unstable; urgency=high
   * SECURITY: Added a chattr +t /var/lib/vservers to postinst.
     Also added documentation to a README.Debian file about this.
 util-vserver (0.30-11) unstable; urgency=high
   * Important bugfix to make sure that two vservers do not get the same
     context number, closes: #288694.
 util-vserver (0.30-10) unstable; urgency=low
   * Applied a patch from Helmut Toplitzer <helmut@ifit.uni-klu.ac.at>
     that fix a problem with the ctx numbers on vserver restarts.
     Closes: #280723.
 util-vserver (0.30-9) unstable; urgency=low
   * Applied patch to fix --vsroot option in vserver-copy script,
     closes: #281848. Thanks to hk47@free.fr for the fix.
   * Removed cvs and cvs2cl from build dependencies.
 util-vserver (0.30-8) unstable; urgency=high
   * Fixed so that /var/run/vservers is a part of the package,
     closes: #272616.
 util-vserver (0.30-7) unstable; urgency=high
   * Fixed bug in security fix. It complains if the file or directory do
     not exist.
   * Fixed so that rebootmgr and vservers init scripts use /var/lock instead
     of var/lock/subsys, closes: #270641.
 util-vserver (0.30-6) unstable; urgency=high
   * Symlink security vulnerability fixed by introducing a testsafelinkdir
     function to give the real path if it points inside the vserver.
   * Also checks for proc symlink to avoid such symlink attacks.
   * Fixed vserver-copy by using /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh.
   * Fixed lintian error on chcontext manpage (now section 8 instead of 1).
 util-vserver (0.30-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Updated copyright so it refer to GPL in a proper way.
 util-vserver (0.30-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fixed FTBFS error bu modifying Makefile, closes: #264685.
     This TFBFS error only seem to exist on kernel 2.6 systems when running
 util-vserver (0.30-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Started supporting vrpm (we should be able to install redhat even on
     a Debian box).
   * Removed /etc/vservers/newvserver.defaults because that is never used
     by anything except linuxconf.
   * Made upgrade path from vserver package, closes: #236680, #247429.
 util-vserver (0.30-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fixed bashism in vservers init script, closes: #247431.
   * Added suggest on newly created package vserver-debiantools.
   * Clarified package description some.
   * Fixed vserver error, closes: #259214.
     Thanks to Daniel Hermann <hermann@tkm.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de> for
     the patch.
   * Changed from cp -ax to rsync -ax with exclude of VROOTDIR,
     closes: #256655, #258487.
 util-vserver (0.30-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * new upstream release
     (closes: Bug#257853)
     (closes: Bug#253307)
   * team maintainance of util-vserver:
     make Ola Lundqvist the maintainer and me co-maintainer
   * util-vserver is replacing vserver which will be removed
   * we have to conflict with vpopmail-bin because we have a
     file with the same name in the package
     (closes: Bug#254277)
   * the problem with the /usr/share/doc/util-vserver/html
     directory is now fixed
     (closes: Bug#233823)
 util-vserver (0.29-5) unstable; urgency=medium
   * args.:( now the correct path:
     /etc/util-vservers/ -> /etc/vservers/
 util-vserver (0.29-4) unstable; urgency=medium
   * corrected /etc/util-vserver/ to /etc/util-vservers/
     to be compatible with the "vserver" package
     (closes: Bug#238734)
 util-vserver (0.29-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * util-vserver-vars path move to /etc/util-vserver/
   * corrected path of util-vserver-vars in binaries
     (closes: Bug#236704)
 util-vserver (0.29-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * fixed util-vserver-vars path in vserver
     (closes: Bug#234332)
 util-vserver (0.29-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * new upstream release from 2004-02-11
 util-vserver (0.28-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial Release.
     (closes: Bug#230565)
 ce070a44ab47d4fc353afec35df8b1fa9fe9990c 1978 util-vserver_0.30.216-pre3054-1~bpo70+1.dsc
 4b371fe8a4b3a2dc5a27f6a7ab69a9c57c199dff 767769 util-vserver_0.30.216-pre3054.orig.tar.bz2
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 c1579ee844a95a762a3ddea697332087bf66958db9338287b6fc9410d27c8843 1978 util-vserver_0.30.216-pre3054-1~bpo70+1.dsc
 75d2c2453ad6ae70658ead0e415ff76a328a62270a46f56b2269f46b95031faf 767769 util-vserver_0.30.216-pre3054.orig.tar.bz2
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 3413080baca21df6ecd9d27a72a70554c32743c7b6c14d8a4da1b120a4accae5 637294 util-vserver_0.30.216-pre3054-1~bpo70+1_amd64.deb
 c1742a21f2612ccfa4bd45569d6b6d62 1978 net optional util-vserver_0.30.216-pre3054-1~bpo70+1.dsc
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 415ec28474d08d975800552ea5a368c1 637294 net optional util-vserver_0.30.216-pre3054-1~bpo70+1_amd64.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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