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postgresql-common_134~bpo60+1_amd64.changes is NEW

  to main/p/postgresql-common/postgresql-client-common_134~bpo60+1_all.deb
(new) postgresql-client_9.1+134~bpo60+1_all.deb optional database
front-end programs for PostgreSQL (supported version)
 This metapackage always depends on the currently supported database
 client package for PostgreSQL.
 PostgreSQL is a fully featured object-relational database management
 system.  It supports a large part of the SQL standard and is designed
 to be extensible by users in many aspects.  Some of the features are:
 ACID transactions, foreign keys, views, sequences, subqueries,
 triggers, user-defined types and functions, outer joins, multiversion
 concurrency control.  Graphical user interfaces and bindings for many
 programming languages are available as well.
  to main/p/postgresql-common/postgresql-common_134~bpo60+1.dsc
  to main/p/postgresql-common/postgresql-common_134~bpo60+1.tar.gz
  to main/p/postgresql-common/postgresql-common_134~bpo60+1_all.deb
(new) postgresql-contrib_9.1+134~bpo60+1_all.deb optional database
additional facilities for PostgreSQL (supported version)
 This metapackage always depends on the currently supported PostgreSQL
 database contrib package.
 PostgreSQL is a fully featured object-relational database management
 system.  It supports a large part of the SQL standard and is designed
 to be extensible by users in many aspects.  Some of the features are:
 ACID transactions, foreign keys, views, sequences, subqueries,
 triggers, user-defined types and functions, outer joins, multiversion
 concurrency control.  Graphical user interfaces and bindings for many
 programming languages are available as well.
(new) postgresql-doc_9.1+134~bpo60+1_all.deb optional doc
documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
 This metapackage always depends on the currently supported PostgreSQL
 database documentation package.
 PostgreSQL is a fully featured object-relational database management
 system.  It supports a large part of the SQL standard and is designed
 to be extensible by users in many aspects.  Some of the features are:
 ACID transactions, foreign keys, views, sequences, subqueries,
 triggers, user-defined types and functions, outer joins, multiversion
 concurrency control.  Graphical user interfaces and bindings for many
 programming languages are available as well.
  to main/p/postgresql-common/postgresql-server-dev-all_134~bpo60+1_all.deb
  to main/p/postgresql-common/postgresql_9.1+134~bpo60+1_all.deb

postgresql-common (134~bpo60+1) squeeze-backports; urgency=low
  * Rebuild for squeeze-backports.
postgresql-common (134) unstable; urgency=low
  * debian/backport-ppa: Fix syntax error.
  * PgCommon.pm: Drop unconditional import of Socket::IN6ADDR_ANY and only do
    the IPv6 check if it is available. This keeps this version backwards
    compatible with Debian/Ubuntu releases with older Perl versions.
postgresql-common (133) unstable; urgency=low
  [ Christoph Berg ]
  * Add .bzrignore file.
  * PgCommon.pm: Check IPv4 and IPv6 in next_free_port(). (Closes: #678858)
  [ Peter Eisentraut ]
  * debian/control: Add myself to Uploaders.
  * debian/postgresql-common.lintian-overrides: Remove unused
    binary-without-manpage overrides (files were moved to
    postgresql-client-common package).
  * debian/rules: Catch errors in for loops.
  * pg_wrapper: Avoid Perl warnings if psql is linked against libreadline
    instead of libedit, even though that is not standard anymore.
  * testsuite: Reset core limit for pg_ctl tests.
  * testsuite: Allow running individual tests by passing them on the
    command line.
  [ Martin Pitt ]
  * pg_ctlcluster: Do not remove the PID file after SIGKILLing the
    postmaster in the "last-ditch effort to shut down" in --force mode. This
    is a potentially dangerous thing to do when trying to start a second
    postmaster in parallel while the first one is still being shut down.
    (see http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2012-07/msg00475.php)
postgresql-common (132) unstable; urgency=low
  [ Martin Pitt ]
  * debian/control: Add XS-Testsuite: header, as per current DEP-8.
  * debian/tests/control: Drop undefined "no-build-needed" feature.
  [ Christoph Berg ]
  * Recognize "online,recovery" clusters in init script. (Closes: #678936)
    Spotted by Gilbert Roulot.
postgresql-common (131) unstable; urgency=low
  [ Martin Pitt ]
  * debian/backport-ppa: Adjust for lucid, build -9.2 for oneiric as well.
  * debian/control: Move bzr branches to alioth, so that other members of
    pkg-postgresql can commit. Update Vcs-* tags.
  * debian/control: Set Maintainer: to pkg-postgresql group, and move myself
    to Uploaders:.
  * debian/README.Devel: Update for moved packaging branches.
  * debian/backport-ppa: Disable dpkg 1.16.2 build dependency for natty as
  * debian/tests/control: Drop "breaks-computer" restriction. While DEP-8
    mentions it, autopkgtest does not understand it yet and skips the test.
  * debian/tests/system: Run testsuite under en_US.UTF-8, as autopkgtests sets
    it to C by default.
  * t/180_ecpg.t: Ensure that test.pgc is readable for nobody.
  * debian/tests/system: Run the packaged tests instead of the ones in the
    local build tree.
  * debian/tests/system: Unset $TMPDIR so that 'postgres' and 'nobody' do not
    fall over the autopkgtest provided $TMPDIR which is not world writable.
  * t/030_errors.t: Fix nonzero exit code which caused stderr output.
  [ Christoph Berg ]
  * pg_buildext: Also set DESTDIR and VPATH for the configure, build and clean
  * Add myself to Uploaders.

Override entries for your package:
postgresql-client-common_134~bpo60+1_all.deb - optional database
postgresql-common_134~bpo60+1.dsc - source database
postgresql-common_134~bpo60+1_all.deb - optional database
postgresql-server-dev-all_134~bpo60+1_all.deb - optional database
postgresql_9.1+134~bpo60+1_all.deb - optional database

Announcing to debian-backports-changes@lists.debian.org

Your package contains new components which requires manual editing of
the override file.  It is ok otherwise, so please be patient.  New
packages are usually added to the override file about once a week.

You may have gotten the distribution wrong.  You'll get warnings above
if files already exist in other distributions.
les already exist in other distributions.

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