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Accepted debmirror 1:2.12~bpo60+1 (source all)

Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 12:11:49 -0400
Source: debmirror
Binary: debmirror
Architecture: source all
Version: 1:2.12~bpo60+1
Distribution: squeeze-backports
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>
Changed-By: Clint Adams <clint@debian.org>
 debmirror  - Debian partial mirror script, with ftp and package pool support
Closes: 12998 122199 125973 126758 126857 126859 126954 127484 127844 128041 130679 132306 134187 144726 146763 149888 149890 149984 151164 153680 154139 154364 154522 154966 156564 159322 167010 174857 181097 193797 196196 205094 206710 211210 211214 211847 213869 214306 215500 215993 219409 219976 219977 221490 221491 223059 224694 229666 232093 233558 243634 244023 245462 245499 248903 249445 258390 262893 264503 264504 265575 267034 267721 267956 277422 281151 283457 284037 286330 286575 287465 287732 288814 288973 289025 289286 289752 292791 294974 295423 299342 314282 316461 316506 316528 316529 319957 321278 322714 328312 334360 340423 341910 349856 360451 360453 362561 366855 369061 376495 382271 386697 386707 395538 397936 399058 399834 400054 400526 401245 422100 426170 436027 436030 451021 451157 453091 471946 483922 491326 498541 520487 524967 542061 542826 542929 543775 544132 544139 544141 547789 549952 549955 550007 551878 560326 561533 565593 566377 568613 569
 348 575352 589397 590667 594948 594975 594976 595690 599414 599568 607099 614383 614594 614620 619146 631302 635723 636627 637457 644609 647562 650743 662694
 debmirror (1:2.12~bpo60+1) squeeze-backports; urgency=low
   * Rebuild for squeeze-backports.
 debmirror (1:2.12) unstable; urgency=low
   * Always mirror the English "translations" necessary to have any
     package long descriptions at all, even if --i18n is not enabled.
     (Unless disabled via --exclude.)
   * Make i18n/Index parsing not fail if there are non-SHA1 checksums.
     Although currently only SHA1 is supported here. Closes: #644609
 debmirror (1:2.11) unstable; urgency=low
   * Two fixes to output. Closes: #647562 Thanks, Karl Goetz
   * Support HTTP authentication by setting --user and --password.
     Closes: #650743 Thanks, Eshat Cakar
   * --timeout now also affects http and ftp download.
     Closes: #662694 Thanks, Christoph Goehre
   * Remove libcompress-zlib-perl from Depends, this is now provided by perl.
 debmirror (1:2.10) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix skipping d-i for suites that do not include it. Closes: #636627
     Thanks, Stefan Kisdaroczi
   * Allow mirroring d-i on kfreebsd-*; skip it for arch 'all'. Closes: #637457
     Thanks, Stefan Kisdaroczi
 debmirror (1:2.9) unstable; urgency=low
   * Use Net::INET6Glue to support making ipv6 connections. Closes: #631302
   * Avoid sanity check for empty mirror, to allow mirroring an empty mirror
     if this is the first time debmirror is run. Closes: #635723
     Thanks, Stefan Kisdaroczi
 debmirror (1:2.8) unstable; urgency=low
   * Avoid trying to get d-i for *-updates suites. Closes: #619146
 debmirror (1:2.7) unstable; urgency=high
   * Version dep on LWP. Closes: #614594
   * Fix typo in d-i download code. Closes: #614620
 debmirror (1:2.6) unstable; urgency=high
   * In Release, Packages, and Sources files, support all sizes of SHA
     checksums that are supported by Digest::SHA. Closes: #614383
   * Now depends on libdigest-sha-perl.
   * Check SHA512, SHA256, or SHA1 in preference to MD5.
   * Full checksum validation is now enabled by the --checksums switch.
     (The old --md5sums switch is an alias to that for backwards compatibility.)
 debmirror (1:2.5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Clean up output messages.
   * Apply program return code checking patch by Kees Cook.
   * Allow umask to control directory permissions in mkdir. Closes: #589397
   * Add --slow-cpu option that avoids bzipping and gzipping files.
     Closes: #594948
   * Various code cleanups.
   * Deprecate --cleanup, which had become confusing since --postcleanup
     is the default, and add --precleanup.
   * Add --check-gpg (the default) and --no-check-gpg options.
   * Added a warning message if rsync of extra files fails.
   * Default to --rsync-extra=trace, and warn if --rsync-extra setting
     disables trace.
   * Above will ensure that debmirror at least tries
     to get trace files by default, and warns if it cannot. Closes: #156564
   * Avoid getting rsync-extra files if the site being mirrored
     has --root=/ , as that cannot work with rsync.
   * A proxy specified with --proxy or ftp_proxy will now also be used
     for ftp connections.
   * Deprecate --method=hftp, just use --proxy with --method=ftp.
   * Run rsync with --no-motd except for in --verbose mode.
   * Support --progress for http. (Per #598382)
   * Apply manpage markup patch from liw. Closes: #599414
   * Fix typo in default rsync options. Closes: #599568
   * Add --debmarshal snapshot mode by Drake Diedrich. Closes: #550007
   * Send verbose/debug mode gpgv error messages to stdout. Closes: #607099
 debmirror (1:2.4.6) unstable; urgency=low
   * New maintainer. Frans, we'll miss you.
     Closes: #595690
   * Moved to git; grafted in debmirror's original development
     history from my home directory. Closes: #594976
   * Fix filename of mirror_size file in man page. Closes: #594975
 debmirror (1:2.4.5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Drop support for the --adddir option which was obsoleted log ago.
   * Ensure MD5SUMS files for D-I images get updated. Closes: #590667.
     Thanks to Stefan Kisdaroczi for reporting the issue and for the patch.
   * Update archive size information (without Etch as that has been archived).
 debmirror (1:2.4.4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix typo in mirror_size. Closes: #575352.
   * Change internal use of dry-run variables so that setting $dry_run in
     the config file actually works. Closes: #569348.
 debmirror (1:2.4.3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Don't delete Contents and Translation files if mirror cleanup is done
     early. Closes: #568613.
 debmirror (1:2.4.2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Really allow for Release files without Origin field. Closes: #565593.
 debmirror (1:2.4.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Typo fixes in NEWS.Debian file spotted by Geoff Simmons. Closes: #566377.
   * Allow for Release files without Origin field. Closes: #565593.
 debmirror (1:2.4) unstable; urgency=low
   * The main Debian archive has started to use rsyncable gzip files.
     Use the --rsyncable flag when compressing Packages/Sources files using
     gzip after applying pdiffs to ensure the md5sum of the file matches the
     one in the Release file again. Closes: #560326.
     This change may cause unnecessary download of the gzipped Packages/Sources
     files for other archives that provide pdiffs but don't have rsyncable
     gzipped files; this can be fixed using the new option --gzip-options.
   * Fix mirroring of archives without a Release.gpg file. Closes: #561533.
     Thanks to Loïc Minier for tracing the issue.
   * Allow to specify the local mirror directory in config files.
     Closes: #544141.
   * Add versioned dependency on perl (>= 5.10). Closes: #551878.
   * Improve dependencies on gpgv/gnupg.
 debmirror (1:2.3.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Update example configuration (closes: #549955):
     - fix error in variable names for setting D-I dists & arches
     - add example for setting "extra rsync directories"
   * Rename variables so that @dists can be set again in a configuration file.
     Closes: #549952.
   * Enable LWP::ConnCache for the http transfer method. Closes: #395538.
     Thanks to Gregor Herrmann for pointing out the option.
 debmirror (1:2.3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Support updating Contents files using diff files. This can significantly
     reduce the download size when Contents files change. Closes: #436027.
   * Because of the previous change the option --pdiff has been renamed to
     --diff as 'package diffs' no longer covers its use.
   * Fix mirroring archives without a Release file (--ignore-missing-release).
   * Minor other fixes and improvements.
 debmirror (1:2.2.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Only fetch i18n Index files if needed.
   * Fix mirroring D-I images when the archive is also being mirrored for the
     same dist. Closes: #547789.
 debmirror (1:2.2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Allow to include/exclude specific files belonging to D-I images.
   * Add support for downloading package translation files. Closes: #436030.
   * Move archive size information to a separate file in /usr/share/doc.
 debmirror (1:2.1.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Register the trace and lock files only after loading the state cache.
 debmirror (1:2.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix location of debmirror.conf. Closes: #544139.
   * Don't display download speed if rsync is used. Closes: #422100.
   * Support mirroring specific additional files from specific locations on
     the mirror: trace files, ./doc, ./indices and ./tools. The transfer
     method used for this is always rsync, irrespective of what method is
     specified in the --method option. Closes: #153680, #156564.
   * Ubuntu uses an identical Codename for different suites, so just ignore
     it and use the Suite instead. Closes: #544132.
 debmirror (1:2.0) unstable; urgency=low
   * Remove duplicated checks of md5sums for Packages/Sources files.
   * Improve performance of parsing Packages/Sources files (by a factor of
     about 30).
   * Revert change in directory removal as otherwise also empty parent
     directories of empty directories no longer get removed.
   * Fix support for mirrors with need extra directories in dist, such as
     security mirrors, which got broken by the suite->codename symlink
     changes. Thanks to Christoph Goehre for reporting the issue and testing
     the fix. Closes: #543775.
   * No longer requires a leading "/" or ":" for the root directory. This
     means the same --root option can be used for both http/ftp and rsync.
   * Improve accounting of download size and display in B/kiB/MiB depending
     on the size of the download. Closes: #520487.
   * Don't write the trace file until the meta data is also in place, and
     don't write one during a dry run.
   * Add option to use a cache file to save the state of the mirror between
     runs, allowing for more efficient mirror runs. Closes: #483922.
   * Supports mirroring "current" Debian Installer images.
     With the option to specify a different set of dists and arches than
     for the package archive. In this release there are no progress updates
     displayed yet. Closes: #154966.
 debmirror (1:1.0.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Skip debian-installer sections for source packages. D-I only has binary
     packages; the source is included in the regular sections. Closes: #542826.
     Based on a patch from Ernesto Hernández-Novich, with thanks.
   * Allow for the fact that for experimental the suite and codename are
     identical. Thanks to Craig Sanders. Closes: #542929.
 debmirror (1:1.0) unstable; urgency=low
   * Switch to more common versioning scheme; requires an epoch.
   * Clarify version of GPL (version 2 or later).
   * Update periods of activity for various maintainers of the script both
     in the perl script and in the debian/copyright file. Closes: #542061.
   * Set more accurate versioned build dependency on debhelper.
   * Apply patch from Kees Cook to make parsing of Packages/Sources files a bit
     less fragile. Closes: #451021.
   * Add sanity check after parsing Packages/Sources files to avoid completely
     deleting a mirror in case of unexpected errors (#451021, #435663).
   * Debian mirrors no longer keep uncompressed packages files; don't include
     them on the local mirror either.
   * Apply patch from A. Mennucc for more efficient removal of empty
     directories. Closes: #453091.
   * Various improvements of the man page for:
     - the --getcontents switch; with thanks to Slaven Rezic; closes: #524967
     - example commands; with thanks to Karl Goetz; closes: #491326
     - debmirror.conf configuration file and example
   * Don't fetch Contents files if they are already up-to-date (#436027).
   * Remove reduntant slashes in paths from Package files. Closes: #471946.
     Thanks to Raphael Hertzog for the patch.
   * Update tables showing archive size in man page, using new mirror-size
     script. Closes: #498541.
   * Automatically create and update suite->codename symlinks based on info in
     the Release file. Directories for dists will always have the codename of
     the release. Conversion of existing mirrors that use suites for directories
     is supported. See also NEWS.Debian. Closes: #426170.
 debmirror (20090807) unstable; urgency=low
   * New maintainer, with thanks to Goswin for his work on previous releases.
   * Remove no longer needed prerm script.
   * Correct syntax of NEWS.Debian file.
   * Switch build system to debhelper.
   * Bump standards version to 3.8.2.
   * Improve documentation on how to add an archive keyring for debmirror.
     Thanks to Kees Cook for the patch. Closes: #451157.
 debmirror (20070123) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add dependency for libdigest-sha1-perl (ACK NMU) (Closes: #386707)
   * Change manpage entry for --pdiff (Closes: #386697)
   * Fix Release.gpg check to use gpgv (Closes: #400526)
   * Fix use of uninitialized value in addition
   * Count errors in pdiff files as small errors (Closes: #400054)
   * Cleanup tempfiles (Closes: 399834)
   * Fix manpage permissions with patch by (Closes: #399058)
     "Dmitry E. Oboukhov" <dimka@avanto.org>
   * Skip pdiff files if patch binary is missing (Closes: #401245)
   * Skip pdiff files if ed binary is missing and recommend it (Closes: #397936)
 debmirror (20060907) unstable; urgency=low
   * Merge pdiff patch by Peter Colberg <peterco@gmx.net> (Closes: #366855)
   * Add --pdiff-mode option
   * Add rsync patch by Peter Colberg <peterco@gmx.net> (Closes: #299342)
   * Disable caching for Release and Release.gpg (Closes: #376495)
   * Default to --postcleanup (Closes: #295423)
   * Print ftp hashes to stdout (Closes: #349856)
     (Patch by Bastian Kleineidam <calvin@debian.org>)
   * Fix typo found by Luca Bruno <luca.br@uno.it> (Closes: #362561)
   * Implement ftp authentication with user/passwd (Closes: #360453)
     (Patch by Peter Baumann <waste.manager@gmx.de>)
   * Skip Index files that don't exist locally nor in Release
     Obsoletes other ideas from the BTS (Closes: #369061, #360451, #382271)
   * Fail immediately if the signature cannot be verified (Closes: #316528)
   * Show gpg error message on failure (Closes: #316529)
   * Skip gpg test if --ignore-release-gpg is specified (Closes: #322714)
   * Re-add --skippackages (Closes: #294974)
 debmirror (20051209) unstable; urgency=low
   * Reorder find arguments (Closes: #316461)
     Patch by Craig Sanders <cas@taz.net.au>
   * Move Contents file fetching out of stage 1 to make them not
     critical (Closes: #314282)
   * Add % progress for http method (Closes: #328312)
   * Add archive sizes to the manpage (Closes: #340423)
   * Consider meta file sizes for % progress (Closes: #341910)
   * Don't say 'All done' until really all is done (Closes: #319957)
   * Remove obsolete --nomd5sum option (Closes: #321278)
   * Prefer --proxy over ENV{ftp_proxy} for hftp (Closes: #334360)
   * Add tip about gpg to the manpage (Closes: #316506)
   * Don't check/count source files multiple times
 debmirror (20050207) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add NEWS.Debian (Closes: #289025)
   * Add ~/.debmirror.conf and /etc/debmirror.conf (Closes: #244023)
   * Typo fix by Nico Golde and more (Closes: #292791)
   * Add example config file
 debmirror (20050118) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add --no-tty option to gpg (Closes: #289286)
     reported by Holger Ruckdeschel <holger@hoicher.de>
   * Move cleanup code into function and add missing chdir (Closes: #287465)
     adapted patch by Daniel Parthey <pada@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de>
   * Unlink hardlinks before system calls with redirected IO (Closes: #288814)
     adapted patch by Mirko Parthey <mirko.parthey@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de>
   * Unlink metafiles later (Closes: #289752)
     patch by Ingo Saitz <ingo@debian.org>
   * Typo fixes as found by Martin Kourim <martin.kourim@seznam.cz>
     (Closes: #287732)
   * Add --ignore-small-errors to allow updating inconsistent upstream
     mirrors (Closes: #288973)
   * Hide gpg signature check output if !verbose (Closes: #286575)
 debmirror (20041219) unstable; urgency=low
   * Tell LockFile::Simple not to force unlocking after an hour even if the
     old debmirror is still running. (Closes: #286330)
 debmirror (20041209) unstable; urgency=high
   * hide gpg --version output
   * test for gpg and give cluefull error
   * add Recommends: gnupg
   * add trailing / to remoteroot for rsync
   * add --ignore-release-gpg and gpg check Release
   * Remember size/md5sums of files to get and check after retrieval
   * L 1046: Only call $ftp->size($file) once to avoid different results
   * Handle EOF in Release when searching for md5sums,
     patch by dean gaudet <dean-debian@arctic.org> (Closes: #284037)
   * Fail on chdir failures, patch by dean gaudet <dean-debian@arctic.org>
     (Closes: #283457)
   * Fixed division by 0 as reported by Jeroen van Wolffelaar
     (Closes: #277422) [urgency high, should have been RC]
   * Fixed ftp failures not detected as reported by Dean Gaudet
     (Closes: #281151)
 debmirror (20040926) unstable; urgency=low
   * Skip Contents files for *-proposed-updates and experimental
   * Skip debian-installer section for experimental and proposed-updates
     (Closes: #267721)
   * Cleanup empty directories only at the very end to avoid
     races with .temp (Closes: #264503)
   * Add -L to default rsync options (Closes: #265575)
   * Add --rsync-options option (Closes: #193797, #219976, #267034)
   * Copy meta files in cases where hardlinks fail (afs) (Closes: #267956)
   * Unlink meta files before download (Closes: #264504)
 debmirror (20040802) unstable; urgency=low
   * Display Byte counters in MiB and speed in Kib/s
   * Fix progress/verbose output for ftp method broken by --dry-run
   * Fix rsync method for --dry-run
   * Add --rsync-batch option limiting the number of files per rsync call
   * Count 'batch limit exceeded' as error
   * Fix XSI:isms in prerm reported by David Weinehall <tao@debian.org>
     (Closes: #262893)
 debmirror (20040730) unstable; urgency=low
   * Don't download Contents-$arch.gz for experimental. Thanks to Eric Wong
   * Add main/debian-installer to the default sections
   * Add support for http and hftp, adding --proxy option
     (Adapted from patch by thomas@poindessous.com)
     (Closes: #134187, #154364, #196196, #229666)
 debmirror (20040729) unstable; urgency=low
   * Download meta files to temp directory first (Closes: #219977)
   * Added --postcleanup
   * Download Release files for sources (Closes: #248903)
   * Typo fix (Closes: #258390). Thanks to Steve Kemp <skx@debian.org>
   * Probable fix for (Closes: #249445)
   * Add --dry-run (Closes: #126954)
   * Code cleanup
     - Reindent long description in debian/control and add rsync method
     - use -depth and -print0 in the find | xargs calls
     - don't use -z for rsync on debs and sources
 debmirror (20040509) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added --limit-deb-priority
 debmirror (20040427) unstable; urgency=low
   * Reindented source code to xemacs CPerl style (Closes: #211214)
   * Added ftp error message to the warning during download
     and not just the errlog
   * Added Depends on bzip2 (Closes: #233558)
   * Due to popular demand: Adding hacks for main/debian-installer
     (Closes: #245499, #232093, #243634)
   * Don't fail is extra metafiles are broken (Closes: #211847)
   * Adopted --exclude-deb-section patch by
     Meszaros Andras <andrej@draconis.elte.hu> (Closes: #245462)
   * Added mdtm check to ftp method (Closes: #149984)
   * Added --ignore-missing-release option (Closes: #221491)
 debmirror (20040118) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Check for root in binary-indep to ensure files are owned by root.root
     (Closes: #215993)
   * Correct example for non-US (Closes: #213869, #219409)
   * Forgot to toggle Archive-Update-in-Progress-dual and
     project/trace/dual (Closes: #221490, #215500, #211210)
   * Added patch by Marcel Meckel <debian@thermoman.de>: eliminate warning
     of uninitialized value (Closes: #223059)
   * Adpated parts of patch by Pedro Larroy <piotr@member.fsf.org>:
     Added human readable verbose output (Closes: #224694)
   * Added -v --verbose option
   * List errors (if any) at the end
   * Report when the batch limit is exceeded
   * revert 'stoped using regexps on --include' (Closes: #214306)
 debmirror (20030829) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added oneliner by Alexander Wirt <formorer@formorer.de>
     +die "You need write permissions on $mirrordir" if (!-w $mirrordir);
   * changed synopsis of usage too (bug #126857)
   * Use Release file to md5sum check Packages/Sources files before and
     after download [Patch by "Ingo Saitz" <ingo@debian.org>]+changes
     (Closes:  #149890)
   * Download Packages/Packages.bz2 files too and same for Sources.gz
     (Closes: #159322)
   * Removed "proposed-updates" example from --adddir, --adddir now
     obsolete (Closes: #174857)
   * Preserve partial files with the rsync method
     (Closes: #181097)
   * Ignore timestamps on rsync method to fix files with broken MD5sum.
     (We already only rsync files with wrong size or wrong MD5sum.)
 debmirror (20030822.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Synopsis in manpage now has [options] first (Closes: #126857)
   * added epoch splitting to debian/rules
   * stoped using regexps on --include (Closes: #146763)
   * close ftp connection before scanning the mirror and reopen it after
     (Closes: #149888) [Patch by "Ingo Saitz" <ingo@debian.org>]+fix
   * count number of errors when fetching files, stop if metafiles failed
     and report summary at the end otherwise. (Closes: #151164, #154522)
     [PS: rsync method does not report errors for missing files, ftp only]
   * clarify --dist and change default to sid
 debmirror (20030822) unstable; urgency=low
   * Reduced number of tries till locking fails. Now 2m instead of 12h
   * warn if a lock is busy (Closes: #206710)
 debmirror (20030813) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New maintainer.
   * Made an Debian-native package
   * postinst-should-not-set-usr-doc-link, postinst now empty, removed.
   * added myself to copyright file, changed Copyright GPL to License GPL.
   * added --max-batch=<number> option
   * added arch=none option for source-only mirrors (closes: #154139)
   * added my contact address to the man page (closes: #167010, #205094)
   * remove backup file in debian/rules:clean
 debmirror (20020427-1) unstable; urgency=high
   * New Release.
   * Applied patch from Robert MyQueen. Great Kudos to him!
     (Closes: Bug#144726, Bug#12998)
   * urgency=high as requested because the predecessor fixes a grave bug
     and #144726 could also be seen as a RC bug.
 debmirror (20020424-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New Release.
   * Medium for this upload should close a bug tagged grave.
   * Fix output when using --progress
     (closes: Bug#127484)
   * Add a great patch by Masato Taruishi, adding rsync support to debmirror.
     (closes: Bug#127844)
   * Use now LockFile::Simple to avoid installation of procmail only for
     having a lockfile utility. It is tested to be compatible with programs
     using lockfile.
     (closes: Bug#128041)
   * Use Compress::Zlib to decompress Package files and others.
     (closes: Bug#132306)
   * Add --timeout parameter. This should close Bug#130679 as it can be
     set and defaults to 300 seconds instead of the Net::FTP default
     of 120 seconds. This timeout is also used for the new rsync method.
     (closes: Bug#130679, Bug#122199)
     Don't even think about annoying me further with timeout problems.
 debmirror (20011230-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New Release.
   * Fixed typo in POD/manpage, thanks to Britton Leo Kerin.
     (closes: Bug#126859)
   * Applied patch from Camille Dominique fixing download of Release files.
     (closes: Bug#126758)
   * Added Depends: libdigest-md5-perl to support --md5sum switch.
     (closes: unreported Bug, thanks to Maik Busch)
   * Added patch from Masato Taruishi adding a --include=regex switch that
     has the opposed effect as the already existing --exclude switch.
     (closes: Bug#125973)
 debmirror (20011016-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial Debian release
 126a01074d6731f86943f6aab84d66d284f93a68 1512 debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1.dsc
 e27e3255b3826a02dd8296c2073b1271fa14a05c 49738 debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1.tar.gz
 ca6a2881061fc9fa86fbcae36b70e0b041caa65a 51308 debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1_all.deb
 e18bf69a9c9d76222049de99f1f7fa998b9dd1a42d0bb42d0f0a66bfb88326cc 1512 debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1.dsc
 9b1f8b3d8c99e078bb14b00eff11ec24ab284221b70ef319d2679a0ba22aca2e 49738 debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1.tar.gz
 b32c35b08b80ecfc05e59a37d61e156d1a0fc76c8e7218a0a6015374c0efb78e 51308 debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1_all.deb
 159071e4b64494275456a7eb8aff6f31 1512 net extra debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1.dsc
 13b5d812f8a1da1c02fdbc57b047f433 49738 net extra debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1.tar.gz
 10b633f6f1ad84fce15013edc096fd1d 51308 net extra debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Debian!


  to main/d/debmirror/debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1.dsc
  to main/d/debmirror/debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1.tar.gz
  to main/d/debmirror/debmirror_2.12~bpo60+1_all.deb

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