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Accepted maven-repo-helper 1.7.1~bpo60+1 (source all)

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Format: 1.8
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 11:48:49 +0100
Source: maven-repo-helper
Binary: maven-repo-helper
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.7.1~bpo60+1
Distribution: squeeze-backports
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Joachim Breitner <nomeata@debian.org>
 maven-repo-helper - Helper tools for including Maven metadata in Debian packages
Closes: 574045 591513 617438 640730 644258 644260
 maven-repo-helper (1.7.1~bpo60+1) squeeze-backports; urgency=low
   * Rebuild for squeeze-backports.
 maven-repo-helper (1.7.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Build with Java 5, use generics. (Closes: #644260)
   * Fix resolution of versions from dependency management
   * Fix ignore modules in a POM transformation
 maven-repo-helper (1.7) unstable; urgency=low
   * add --site-xml=<location> option to mh_install and in the
     <package>.poms file to explicitly define the location for site.xml.
     Warning: this forces existing packages to add this option if they
     need to install site.xml
   * update the version in the POM and in the documentation
     (Closes: #644258)
   * run the unit tests when building the package, fix broken tests after the
     introduction of relativePath on the parent element of cleaned POM files.
   * d/control: add ant-optional, junit, libxmlunit-java, libcommons-io-java to
   * d/copyright: update fields to match latest DEP5 spec.
 maven-repo-helper (1.6) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Ludovic Claude ]
   * Add tutorial, reference and repository specification in documentation
   * Update options on mh_installpom and mh_installpoms, to use the new arguments
     added to mh_cleanpom
   * Add Build-Depend on markdown to build the doc
   * Add support for packages built with dh 7 and javahelper: use
     the following line in your rules file:
      dh $@ --with javahelper --with jh_maven_repo_helper
     This will build the package with javahelper, and the resulting
     jar will be installed in the Maven repository (you need of course the
     <package>.poms file and the POM files in your package).
   * Add mh_linkjars to link the jars listed in the .poms file, this is used by
     the jh_maven_repo_helper plugin for dh 7.
   * Deprecate mh_installjar -i option and replace it with -j to avoid conflicts
     with -i/--ignore-rules option used elsewhere.
   * Review all options passed to the mh_* scripts, in particular --set-version
     for mh_installjar (Closes: #640730)
   [ Damien Raude-Morvan ]
   * mh_checkrepo: Fix error when launching without any param.
 maven-repo-helper (1.5.2) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Ludovic Claude ]
   * Match jar with bundle as they are equivalent
   [ Damien Raude-Morvan ]
   * Keep relativePath attribute on parent pom.
   * d/control: Fix typo in package description (Closes: #617438).
   * src/main/java/org/debian/maven/repo/RepositoryReportWriter.java: Add
     a hack to change output of Maven repository checker.
   * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes needed).
 maven-repo-helper (1.5.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Upload to unstable.
 maven-repo-helper (1.5) experimental; urgency=low
   * Create mh_installsite to install site.xml into the Maven repository,
     and integrate it with mh_install
   * Avoid duplication between rules in maven.rules and maven.publishedRules,
     as well as between maven.ignoreRules and maven.cleanIgnoreRules
   * Fix ignore modules, make it work in more cases.
   * mh_clean: clean also files listed in .mh_clean, similar to what jh_clean
   * add support for dh 7 and ant builds: use the following line in your
     rules file:
      dh $@ --with ant --with maven_repo_helper
 maven-repo-helper (1.4) experimental; urgency=low
   * Better support for inserting properties in the transformed or cleaned
     POM files. Avoid duplicate properties and allow definition of new
   * add support for --has-package-version and --keep-elements in the
     <package>.poms file, for mh_install add --artifact, --java-lib,
     --usj-name, --usj-version, --no-usj-versionless, --dest-jar
   * update README.Debian and document the new options.
   * change license from BSD to Apache 2.0, there's no need to have so many
     different licenses in this package, MIT and Apache2.0 are already used.
   * Keep comments in the POM files as much as possible (Closes: #574045)
   * mh_cleanpom: keep <build>, <report> and <reporting> elements if the type
     of the POM file is 'pom'.
   * mh_cleanpom, mh_patchpom: plugin configuration elements containing
     dependencies such as:
     are detected and rules are applied to them
   * mh_patchpom: --keep-pom-version option keeps the version of the parent POM
     except when the parent is already registered in the Maven repository
   * new mh_install command to install in one go the pom files and all jars in
     the Maven repository
 maven-repo-helper (1.3) experimental; urgency=low
   [ Peter Collingbourne ]
   * Document the correct order of attributes in rules files
   * Escape all $ characters in usage messages
   * Fix a long option quoting bug
   * Add support for extra rule options on the command line
   * Add a --no-publish-used-rule option
   [ Ludovic Claude ]
   * debian/control: Update Standards-Version to 3.9.1, no changes
   * mh_transformpoms: Remove warning about missing parent dependency
     when no-parent option is already used
   * Dependency class: make it Comparable, to allow easy sorting of dependencies.
   * mh_cleanpoms: rules defined in --clean-ignore-rules (or
     debian/maven.cleanIgnoreRules) are used in addition to the rules defined in
     --ignore-rules (or debian/maven.ignoreRules), so there is no need anymore
     to duplicate the list of rules to ignore when --clean-ignore-rules is used.
   * Removed small bugs in mh_make (Closes: #591513)
 e9bcc8fd26e8ac3791bf984c61d73ab86106b14c 1255 maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1.dsc
 d7d932bf7b5903638d7b6409422ec78b4dab854d 142632 maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1.tar.gz
 0f5bb3b3912752e3ebf041cc462658ae32f3a0da 120222 maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1_all.deb
 773e0ea53780f89de2ec1c6353bbc6a08873cf483cb555dbf074b90ba537a661 1255 maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1.dsc
 5ed0bc394d663244e43b061242eab7d11c3b0f3ec69caf26bedcfe3b49f9d824 142632 maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1.tar.gz
 73c74999977cbfd3d67c490d1ebf1d6557be9e3595e9812bdcf8a04a9c8ec907 120222 maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1_all.deb
 6d4609c53d72f8084673b61b4cb13619 1255 java optional maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1.dsc
 c27e284a6c382eae329c9c7ce7619261 142632 java optional maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1.tar.gz
 a748889b78379bf9447816a8cde9f41e 120222 java optional maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


  to main/m/maven-repo-helper/maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1.dsc
  to main/m/maven-repo-helper/maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1.tar.gz
  to main/m/maven-repo-helper/maven-repo-helper_1.7.1~bpo60+1_all.deb

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