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Accepted nginx 1.0.4-1~bpo60+1 (source all amd64)

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Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 22:33:09 +0200
Source: nginx
Binary: nginx nginx-doc nginx-common nginx-full nginx-full-dbg nginx-light nginx-light-dbg nginx-extras nginx-extras-dbg
Architecture: source all amd64
Version: 1.0.4-1~bpo60+1
Distribution: squeeze-backports
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Jose Parrella <bureado@debian.org>
Changed-By: Cyril Lavier <cyril.lavier@davromaniak.eu>
 nginx      - small, but very powerful and efficient web server and mail proxy
 nginx-common - small, but very powerful and efficient web server (common files)
 nginx-doc  - small, but very powerful and efficient web server (documentation)
 nginx-extras - nginx web server with full set of core modules and extras
 nginx-extras-dbg - Debugging symbols for nginx (extras)
 nginx-full - nginx web server with full set of core modules
 nginx-full-dbg - Debugging symbols for nginx (full)
 nginx-light - nginx web server with minimal set of core modules
 nginx-light-dbg - Debugging symbols for nginx (light)
Closes: 581416 590098 592147 593142 593143 593580 594598 598461 602970 605212 605529 605582 606094 607418 608633 608983 609134 609254 609343 609411 609797 610289 610290 610946 610983 612832 613175 613355 613851 614980 614987 617924 618306 619482 621882 622268
 nginx (1.0.4-1~bpo60+1) squeeze-backports; urgency=low
   * Backport to Debian 6.0 "Squeeze"
 nginx (1.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
   * debian/*.lintian-overrides, debian/rules:
     + Removed unused lintian for missing manpages
 nginx (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
   * debian/rules:
     + Removed if surrounding copy of man/ as it is required for builds.
     + Added nginx-upload-progress to nginx-extras. (Closes: #618306)
     + Added nginx-secure-downloads to nginx-extras. (Closes: #622268)
     + Added --prefix to configure command. (Closes: #619482)
   * debian/modules:
     + Added nginx-upload-progress/*.
     + Added nginx-secure-download/*.
     + Updated nginx-lua/*.
     + Updated versions.
   * debian/control:
     + Added libmhash-dev build dependency.
     + Updated Standards-Version to 3.9.1.
 nginx (1.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/rules:
     + Removed --with-file-aio support. Fixed FTBFS on kFreeBSD-* arch
       (Closes: #621882)
 nginx (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
   [Kartik Mistry]
   * New upstream release:
     + Removed debian/patches/609343-log-time-iso8601.diff, merged upstream.
   * debian/rules:
     + Fixed: FTBFS on sparc64, detects sparc64 as sparc. Thanks to
       Aurelien Jarno <aurel32@debian.org> (Closes: #617924)
   * debian/watch:
     + Updated for 1.x.x release
   [Michael Lustfield]
   * debian/rules:
     + Added Echo module back to nginx-full. (LP: #735622)
     + Moved nginx-push-0.96 to nginx-http-push.
   * debian/modules:
     + Updated nginx-development-kit.
     + Updated nginx-echo.
     + Updated nginx-http-push.
     + Updated nginx-lua.
     + Updated nginx-upstream-fair.
     + Added versions to track module versions.
   * debian/conf/fastcgi_params:
     + Changed $document_root$fastcgi_script_name to $request_filename.
 nginx (0.8.54-4) unstable; urgency=low
   [Micheal Lustfield]
   * debian/nginx-{full,light,extras}.default:
     + Added comment about alternative to ULIMIT.
   * debian/nginx-{full,light,extras}.init.d:
     + Added quotes around a test variable. (Closes: #610946, LP: #699736)
   * debian/patches/609343-log-time-iso8601.diff:
     + Added patch to add $time_iso8601 variable to logs. (Closes: #609343)
   * Clean up old logrotate files. (Closes: #608983, Closes: #610289)
     + Added Files:
       - debian/nginx-common.preinst
     + Modified Files:
       - debian/rules
     + Moved debian/nginx-common.logrotate to debian/logrotate.
   * Added common files to nginx-common package. (Closes: #610290)
     + Removed Files:
       - debian/nginx-full.dirs
       - debian/nginx-light.dirs
       - debian/nginx-full.install
       - debian/nginx-light.install
       - debian/nginx-extras.install
       - debian/nginx.*
     + Added Files:
       - debian/nginx-common.default
       - debian/nginx-common.dirs
       - debian/nginx-common.init.d
       - debian/nginx-common.install
       - debian/nginx-common.manpages
       - debian/logrotate
     + Modified Files:
       - debian/nginx-extras.dirs
       - debian/control
       - debian/rules
   * debian/nginx-*.install: (Closes: #609797)
     + Removed NEWS.Debian from nginx-{full,light,extras}.install.
     + Added NEWS.Debian to nginx-common.install.
   * nginx-common.postinst:
     + Enforce /var/log/nginx mode and user:group. (Closes: #610983)
     + Enforce /var/log/nginx/*.log mode and user:group. (Closes: #612832)
   * debian/rules:
     + Added --with-file-aio to nginx-extras. (Closes: #613175)
     + Removed split clients and user id modules from nginx-light.
   * debian/conf/sites-available/default:
     + Fixed a minor typo ( s/Quickstart/QuickStart/ ). (Closes: #613355)
   * debian/conf/mime.types:
     + Changed xml type to application/xhtml+xml. (Closes: #613851)
   * debian/help/docs/fcgiwrap:
     + Removed Ubuntu specific line in docs. (Closes: #614987)
   * debian/conf/sites-available/default:
     + Fixed a pointer to a file. (Closes: #614980)
   [Kartik Mistry]
   * debian/*.lintian-overrides:
     + Add Lintian overrides for nginx man page. We've manpage in nginx-common
 nginx (0.8.54-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/control:
     + Added Breaks: and Replaces: to nginx packages. (Closes: #609254)
   * debian/rules:
     + Adding SSL support to nginx-light. (Closes: #609134)
     + Adding HTTP Addition module to nginx-full and nginx-extras. (Closes: #609411)
     + Added HTTP Push module to nginx-extras. (LP: #694456)
 nginx (0.8.54-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Do not install nginx.8 man page in debug packages (Closes: #608633)
 nginx (0.8.54-1) unstable; urgency=low
   [ Michael Lustfield ]
   * Added ipv6 patch. (Closes: #607418)
     + Edited files:
       - src/http/ngx_http_request.c
   * Added ulmit patches. (Closes: #606094)
     + Added files:
       - debian/nginx-full.default
       - debian/nginx-light.default
       - debian/nginx-extras.default
     + Edited files:
       - debian/nginx-full.init.d
       - debian/nginx-light.init.d
       - debian/nginx-extras.init.d
   * Added perl module to nginx-extras. (Closes: #598461)
     + debian/rules:
       - Added --with-http_perl_module to nginx-extras.
     + debian/control:
       - Added libperl-dev build dependency.
     + debian/nginx-extras.install:
       - Added perl install files
     + debian/nginx-extras.dirs:
       - Added directory to install perl files.
   * debian/rules:
     + Added ifeq to handle nginx.8 (man page) if it exists in the source.
   * debian/control:
     + Added descriptions to make clear the differences between nginx packages.
   * Removed patches:
     + debian/patches/nginx-echo.diff
       - Put source into debian/patches/.
     + debian/patches/nginx-upstream-fair.diff
       - Put source into debian/patches/.
     + debian/patches/dlopen.diff
       - Patch no longer relevant.
   * Added modules:
     + debian/modules/nginx-development-kit
     + debian/modules/nginx-upstream-fair
     + debian/modules/nginx-echo
     + debian/modules/nginx-lua
   * Split Nginx into multiple variations of the package.
     + Added files for nginx-full:
       - debian/nginx-full.install
       - debian/nginx-full.dirs
       - debian/nginx-full.logrotate
       - debian/nginx-full.init.d
       - debian/nginx-full.postinst
       - debian/nginx-full.prerm
       - debian/nginx-full.postrm
     + Added files for nginx-light:
       - debian/nginx-light.install
       - debian/nginx-light.dirs
       - debian/nginx-light.logrotate
       - debian/nginx-light.init.d
       - debian/nginx-light.postinst
       - debian/nginx-light.prerm
       - debian/nginx-light.postrm
     + Added files for nginx-extras:
       - debian/nginx-extras.install
       - debian/nginx-extras.dirs
       - debian/nginx-extras.logrotate
       - debian/nginx-extras.init.d
       - debian/nginx-extras.postinst
       - debian/nginx-extras.prerm
       - debian/nginx-extras.postrm
     + Removed files for nginx:
       - debian/nginx.install
       - debian/nginx.dirs
       - debian/nginx.logrotate
       - debian/init.d
       - debian/postinst
       - debian/prerm
       - debian/postrm
     + Updated debian/rules:
       - Modified rules to create extra packages.
     + Updated debian/control:
       - Added packages for nginx-{full,light,extras}.
       - Added packages for nginx-{full,light,extras}-dbg.
       - Changed nginx to a dummy package selecting nginx-full.
   [Kartik Mistry]
   * debian/control:
     + Added doc section for nginx-doc
     + Wrapped some long descriptions, updated short descriptions
     + Added perl:Depends for nginx-extras
   * debian/rules:
     + Fixed dh_installchangelogs, dh_compress
 nginx (0.8.53-2) unstable; urgency=low
   [Kartik Mistry]
   * debian/conf/mime.types:
     + Added html5 codecs support (Closes: #605212)
   * debian/conf/fastcgi_params:
     + Fixed typo (Closes: #605582)
   [Michael Lustfield]
   * debian/conf/nginx.conf:
     + Reduced worker_connections to 768 (Closes: #605529)
   * Add an nginx site management script to nginx-doc. (Closes: #593580)
     + debian/help/examples/nginx_modsite: Added.
   * debian/nginx.logrotate:
     + Added prerotate chunk for awstats. (Closes: #590098)
   * debian/copyright:
     + Added Michael Lustfield
   * Created nginx-doc:
     + Added 'Package: nginx-doc' section to debian/control
     + Moved debian/nginx.examples -> debian/nginx-doc.examples
     + Moved debian/nginx.docs -> debian/nginx-doc.docs
 nginx (0.8.53-1) unstable; urgency=low
   [Kartik Mistry]
   * debian/control:
     + Added Michael Lustfield as co-maintainer
   * nginx.conf:
     + No need to use regex in gzip_disable for msie6, Thanks to António P. P.
       Almeida <appa@perusio.net> (Closes: #592147)
   * conf/sites-available/default:
     + Fixed typo for "include fastcgi", Thanks to Mostafa Ghadamyari
       <nginx@gigfa.com> (Closes: #593142, #593143)
   * debian/patches/fix_reloading_ipv6.diff:
     + Removed, merged upstream
   * debian/init.d:
     + Added fix to control nginx by user in a simple way by setting DAEMON
       variable to an invalid name in /etc/default/nginx. Patch by Toni Mueller
       <support@oeko.net> (Closes: #594598)
   * debian/NEWS.Debian:
     + Updated news for 0.8.x as stable branch
   [Michael Lustfield]
   * New upstream release (Closes: #602970)
     + 0.8.x branch is declared stable by upstream now
   * Add a UFW profile set:
     + debian/nginx.ufw.profile: Added.
     + debian/control: nginx: Suggests ufw.
     + debian/dirs: Add 'etc/ufw/applications.d'
     + debian/rules: Add install rule for the nginx UFW profile.
   * Moved debian/dirs to debian/nginx.dirs
   * Added types_hash_max_size to nginx.conf
   * Install simple default index.html file (Closes: #581416)
     + debian/dirs: Add 'usr/share/nginx/www'.
     + debian/nginx.install: Add 'html/* usr/share/nginx/www'.
   * debian/patches/nginx-echo.diff:
     + Added Echo module
   * Added files for nginx.docs
     - /usr/share/doc/nginx/
       + debian/help/docs/fcgiwrap
       + debian/help/docs/php
       + debian/help/docs/support-irc
       + debian/help/docs/upstream
   * Added files for nginx.examples
     - /usr/share/doc/nginx/examples/
       + debian/help/docs/drupal
       + debian/help/docs/http
       + debian/help/docs/mail
       + debian/help/docs/mailman
       + debian/help/docs/nginx.conf
       + debian/help/docs/virtual_hosts
       + debian/help/docs/wordpress
   * debian/conf/:
     + Removed excess spaces
     + Added tabs where appropriate
     + Added SCRIPT_FILENAME to fastcgi_params
 95b173a32fc1dce7c90d7bb372f8eec7681afd88 1547 nginx_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1.dsc
 0496b7377e583116497f18453003cba3269417e9 661444 nginx_1.0.4.orig.tar.gz
 c5f4413272e797f0191982b5125ac96713b5bb64 304184 nginx_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1.debian.tar.gz
 4a7f2865625b4f9104ddbf522f35bf4f58b568fc 51068 nginx_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_all.deb
 d9f64113bbed5567ad10a1b4ff8fe799426a8dac 65034 nginx-doc_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_all.deb
 06386882bd95d2ebd77024658fca8504ef10401c 60944 nginx-common_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_all.deb
 eff26507261e4d34a48a63df4756eb18d322abcd 392576 nginx-full_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 72aec161a73391fb69ed9123e32798eedad7ac66 2414174 nginx-full-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 07c6b5438b4f27e6ee50ebc1a3205c26c2f50db0 286666 nginx-light_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 c61d9368cf69dd3f197570e3e980ff56d629bb26 1669844 nginx-light-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 2b9f2c19eccd5842d40050224f779a5b028462aa 477328 nginx-extras_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 44f963bcc3c4bb340ab6e6df4a043be7fbce3a98 2967092 nginx-extras-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 f0759b0980821be21c5bd46e9f093e4f380728dc1c7108cdcef40ca6e5982489 1547 nginx_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1.dsc
 ff54f7deea3dc69da467f3b4c2c8167d5967a096451148ed362e20fb0203f043 661444 nginx_1.0.4.orig.tar.gz
 6fcd5e64fbacb0bab4c6ee2de2570cc9f9719c8defcfb6baaae6209fc044ac0f 304184 nginx_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1.debian.tar.gz
 85cbf264624dcf40743b05e4a66a7ab1fe6052f7db0b03d6740eb04f41234936 51068 nginx_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_all.deb
 3c93089dc494fec8baa3a0c29b707c8d70e0a625b35bc6e70236eccc7234d919 65034 nginx-doc_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_all.deb
 8435399ec8f63636ea4cfc70acbcfc89fc059bc68ea9dde96aecc59483a22b62 60944 nginx-common_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_all.deb
 fe98759eb6f61db9d6a9bf4f0305e56c974d7cdb244360715f446288adb8bdbe 392576 nginx-full_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 a5af5b2bfd12004737c035e66cdb36f342d71c03b75192e53e7882e74a8e08bb 2414174 nginx-full-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 d37080416425da24711afaca708edc4be3c5bb42884fd8d86b74771b681f6e05 286666 nginx-light_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 4b7e0fee486caa301e1300d949c7d9f8c1574ec9c009aa66094dca83fbc2a260 1669844 nginx-light-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 bb4e9a0d791fad6a0f3de7a3ff1e13399805db4c8dd8146d39766fc2680eaf40 477328 nginx-extras_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 f41e628d14dfe158e075790e1173dbd467a12a8d38c1448813669bb197e6c8d7 2967092 nginx-extras-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 2613f0a418c0c490ef28fbf979461b12 1547 httpd optional nginx_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1.dsc
 d23f6e6b07b57ac061e790b1ed64bb98 661444 httpd optional nginx_1.0.4.orig.tar.gz
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 a19831d169ea24718d5e8fa9d89e64c2 60944 httpd optional nginx-common_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_all.deb
 9fae7be54fbd1dbcbaa0d07ad4c6b7a8 392576 httpd optional nginx-full_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 836dcaa1451674c3556c31e26eb96caa 2414174 debug extra nginx-full-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 26effb21b46a85b83a5a2888c1ceaeba 286666 httpd optional nginx-light_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 7c382dcfa520a9f10b8eb38c6104db70 1669844 debug extra nginx-light-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 85d7f917a4c64f31cca42e89c9d828bb 477328 httpd optional nginx-extras_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
 47cda5ae9d76a8d7dc614a83de3093e3 2967092 debug extra nginx-extras-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


  to main/n/nginx/nginx-common_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_all.deb
  to main/n/nginx/nginx-doc_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_all.deb
  to main/n/nginx/nginx-extras-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
  to main/n/nginx/nginx-extras_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
  to main/n/nginx/nginx-full-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
  to main/n/nginx/nginx-full_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
  to main/n/nginx/nginx-light-dbg_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
  to main/n/nginx/nginx-light_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_amd64.deb
  to main/n/nginx/nginx_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1.debian.tar.gz
  to main/n/nginx/nginx_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1.dsc
  to main/n/nginx/nginx_1.0.4-1~bpo60+1_all.deb
  to main/n/nginx/nginx_1.0.4.orig.tar.gz

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