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python-debianbts_1.4~bpo50+1_i386.changes is NEW

(new) python-debianbts_1.4~bpo50+1.dsc optional python
(new) python-debianbts_1.4~bpo50+1.tar.gz optional python
(new) python-debianbts_1.4~bpo50+1_all.deb optional python
Python interface to Debian's Bug Tracking System
 This package provides the debianbts module, which allows to query Debian's BTS
 via it's SOAP-inteface and returns the answer in Python's native data types.
Changes: python-debianbts (1.4~bpo50+1) lenny-backports; urgency=low
  * Rebuild for lenny-backports.
python-debianbts (1.4) unstable; urgency=low
  * Fix "[python-debianbts] Typo that generates incorrect output"
    Fixed trivial typo (Closes: #566554)
python-debianbts (1.3) unstable; urgency=low
  * Removed id, found and fixed (Closes: #550945)
    - According to Don id is superflous and will vanish, use bug_num instead
    - found and fixed are only partly implemented in debbugs, found_versions
      and fixed_versions give the information you need.
python-debianbts (1.2) unstable; urgency=low
  * Fixed typo in debian/pyversions
python-debianbts (1.1) unstable; urgency=low
  * Make python-debianbts depend on python >= 2.5
    - (Closes: #550569) python-debianbts: fails to
      compile with Python 2.4!!
    - (Closes: #550571) python-debianbts: Incompatible
      with python2.4!!
python-debianbts (1.0) unstable; urgency=low
  * Major version number jump breaks backwards compatibility
  * Added support for usertags
  * Bugreport class provides exactly the members, provided by SOAP even if
    they don't make sense:
    - id and bug_nr seem to be identical all the time
    - found and found_versions as well
    - keywords and tags also
    - even fixed and fixed date
    - summary is always empty, but subject gives the summary
    - ... and probably some other quirks
  * get_bug_log now returns a dict instead of an object
  * removed HTMLStripper class -- we use SOAP for a while now
  * removed get_html_fulltext -- bugs.debian.org/bugnr does the trick too
  * Major refactings
  * Added unittests
python-debianbts (0.6) unstable; urgency=low
  * Updated VCS-git field in debian/control, we moved to github
  * Bumped standards version (no changes)
python-debianbts (0.5) unstable; urgency=low
  The "greetings from Graz" release
  * Fix "python-glpk and python-debianbts: error when trying to install
    together" Removed __init__.py (Closes: #546561)
  * Fix "submitter field is always None" (Closes: #542651)
python-debianbts (0.4) unstable; urgency=low
  * Fix "incomplete documentation for debianbts.get_bugs()", added
    "correspondent" to docstring (Closes: #529588)
  * Fix "timestamps represented as strings", first- and lastaction are now
    datetimeobjects, thanks Jakub (Closes: #529488)
  * Added VCS-git field to debian/control
  * Bumped standards version
  * Replaced dh_clean -k with dh_prep in debian/rules
  * Replaced Author(s) with Author in debian/copyright
python-debianbts (0.3) unstable; urgency=low
  * Added support for Tags

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