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libsinatra-ruby_1.0.a-1~bpo50+1_amd64.changes is NEW

(new) libsinatra-ruby-doc_1.0.a-1~bpo50+1_all.deb extra doc
Ruby web-development dressed in a DSL (documentation)
 Sinatra is an open source web framework for Ruby programming language.
 It provides simple Domain Specific Language (DSL) for defining RESTful
 HTTP actions, and then defining how the application is going to respond
 to them.
 This framework is lighweight and uses Rack which is a web server
 interface developed to run many Ruby frameworks using the same stack.
 This is the documentation package, with upstream documentation, as well as
 generated rdoc.
(new) libsinatra-ruby1.8_1.0.a-1~bpo50+1_all.deb extra ruby
Ruby web-development dressed in a DSL
 Sinatra is an open source web framework for Ruby programming language.
 It provides simple Domain Specific Language (DSL) for defining RESTful
 HTTP actions, and then defining how the application is going to respond
 to them.
 This framework is lighweight and uses Rack which is a web server
 interface developed to run many Ruby frameworks using the same stack.
(new) libsinatra-ruby_1.0.a-1~bpo50+1.diff.gz extra ruby
(new) libsinatra-ruby_1.0.a-1~bpo50+1.dsc extra ruby
(new) libsinatra-ruby_1.0.a-1~bpo50+1_all.deb extra ruby
Ruby web-development dressed in a DSL (Ruby 1.8 package)
 Sinatra is an open source web framework for Ruby programming language.
 It provides simple Domain Specific Language (DSL) for defining RESTful
 HTTP actions, and then defining how the application is going to respond
 to them.
 This framework is lighweight and uses Rack which is a web server
 interface developed to run many Ruby frameworks using the same stack.
 This is a dummy package depending on the library for the current default
 version of Ruby.
(new) libsinatra-ruby_1.0.a.orig.tar.gz extra ruby
Changes: libsinatra-ruby (1.0.a-1~bpo50+1) lenny-backports; urgency=low
  * Lenny backport.
  * debian/control:
    + downgraded Build-Depends: on ruby-pkg-tools to >= 14
    + Removed ruby1.9.1 packages, which is not available on Lenny.
    + Specified Depends: on librack-ruby1.8 to be >= 1.0.0, the version in
      Lenny does not work (version in lenny-backports needed).
  * debian/rules: removed ruby1.9.1 stuff
libsinatra-ruby (1.0.a-1) unstable; urgency=low
  * New upstream release.
  * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.4. No changes needed.
  * Build ri documentation.
  * Port the package to Ruby 1.9.1.
libsinatra-ruby (0.9.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
  * New uptstream release.
  * Remove patches associated to sinatra's lighthouseapp tickets #249 and
    #254, bugs are now fixed upstream.
  * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.3. No changes needed.
libsinatra-ruby (0.9.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
  [ Laurent Vallar ]
  * Initial release (Closes: #534557).
  * Provide patch to fix :run default bad value on Sinatra applications,
    see https://sinatra.lighthouseapp.com/projects/9779-sinatra/tickets/249.
  * Provide patch to fix in file template support, see
  * Move images from library path and provide patch to fix path in code.
  * Build HTML API documentation using rdoc instead of mislav-hanna gem which
    is not packaged for now.
  * Add graphviz dependency for build process plus many lintian fixes
    (thanks Ryan).
  [ Ryan Niebur ]
  * fix watch file
  [ Lucas Nussbaum ]
  * Fixed Vcs-* fields after pkg-ruby-extras SVN layout change.

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